Zahida Darwiche Jabbour
Personal information
Zahida Darwiche Jabbour
Professor, General Secretary of Lebanese Nationa Commission for UNESCO
Contact information (Private)
+961 6 614671
+961 3 242231
Contact information (Work)
Lebanese University
+961 6 386263
+961 3 242231
- Doctorate degree (Doctorat d’État), French Literature (Specialization: Poetry), 1985, Jean Moulin University (Lyon III), France.
- Doctorate degree (Doctorat 3ème cycle), Comparative Literature, 1979, Jean Moulin University (Lyon III), France.
- Master's degree, Modern Literature, 1977, Lyon II University, France.
- Bachelor degree, Arabic Language and Literature, 1977, Lebanese University, Faculty of Education, Lebanon.
- Bachelor degree, French Literature, 1975, Lebanese University, Faculty of Literature, Lebanon.
Work history
Previous Professions:
- Professor, 1979 - 2011, Lebanese University.
- Professor, 1988 - 1999, Balamand University.
- Professor, 2000 - 2003, Holy Spirit University (Kaslik).
- Visiting Professor, 2007, Sorbonne University, Paris IV, France.
- General Secretary of Lebanese Nationa Commission for UNESCO 2011-2018.
- Professor in Lebanese University, USEK and Balamand University.
- Conceller for UNESCO office (beirut).
- Member of comite de reforme des programmes au CRDP.
Major Achievements
Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.):
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2009, September). Cerf-Volant by Dominique Eddé: A critique of war or a reconstruction of memory? Women’s Studies International Forum, 32 (5), 371 - 376.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2008). Le conflit arabo-israélien au miroir du roman libanais et syrien d’expression française [The Arab-Israeli conflict in the mirror to Lebanese and Syrian novels written in French]. In La littérature Francophone et sa Didactique, (pp. 341 - 353). Aleppo: University of Aleppo.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2008). Terre et poésie: Lectures de Cavernes et Soleils d'Andrée Chedid [Land and poetry: Readings in Cavernes et Soleils of Andrée Chedid]. In M. Symington & B. Bonhomme, Libres horizons [Free horizons], (pp. 341 - 350). Nice: l’Université de Nice- Sophia Antipolis, L’Harmattan.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2008, November). Réception et stratégies narratives dans Le Moine: L’ottoman et la femme du grand argentier de Vénus Khoury-Ghata [Reception and narrative strategies in The Monk: The ottoman and the wife of the silversmith of Venus Khoury - Ghata]. Interculturel Francophonies, 14, 51 - 63.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2007). Littératures francophones du Moyen-Orient (Égypte, Liban, Syrie) [Francophone literature in the Middle East (Egypt, Lebanon, & Syria). France: Éditions Edisud.Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2007). Attasawwof wal insanawiya fi a'mal Georges Khodr[Mysticism and humanism in the thought of Bishop Georges Khodr]. Tripoli: An-Nour Cooperative for Publishing and Distribution.Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2002). Parcours en francophonie(s) [Journeys down the pathways of francophony]. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001). Attarikh waltajriba fi "al-Kitab" li Adonis [History and experience in "Al-Kitab" of Adonis]. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001, October). Langue, réalités et représentations dans un drame familial bilingue [Language, realities, and representations in a biligual family drama]. In Francophonie et dialogue des cultures dans le monde arabe, pp.98-113. Beirut: Lebanese University.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001, May). Jeu du double et connaissance de soi dans l'Enfant de sable de Tahar Ben Jelloun [The game of the double and self-knowledge in the Sand Child of Tahar Ben Jalloun]. Quaderni del dipartmento di lingue e letterature dei paesi del mediterraneo, 3, 47 - 54.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001, May). La francophonie au Liban et dans le monde arabe: Projet d’un dialogue entre les cultures [Francophony in Lebanon and the Arab world: Idea for a dialogue between cultures]. Revue Addifa` al Watani, 38, 17 - 31.
- Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2000, May). "Le livre" d'Adonis: Ruptures et harmonies ["The Book" of Adonis: Ruptures and harmonies]. Rencontres Transdisciplinaires, 15, 73 - 107.
- Books: As-Shi'r al-arabi al-Mu'asser min manzour al-naqd al- ikologi,ida'at fil adab wal Fikr wal saqafa
- Report: ta'aziz al-lugha al--arabia fil- ta'lim li tahkik al-damj al-ijtima'I (UNESCO, Regional office)
Exhibitions, lectures & performances:
- Panel speaker at various symposia and conferences at the local, regional and international levels, where her contribution focused on a number of topics falling within her field of expertise, including: culture, literature and education in the Arab world, intercultural dialogue, prevention of violent extremism through education (PVEE), global citizenship education (GCE), and education on sustainable development (ESD).
- Said Akl wal huwiya al-muta'adida (LAU)
- al-Malik abdel-Aziz al-mu'assis in Muluk al-arab li Amin al-Rihani (LAU)
- Granted dozens of international, regional, and local awards as well as appreciation certificates for her contribution to the promotion of intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue, and her advancement of the UN 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals in the MENA region.
- Chevalier des Palmes Academiques (french Government, Paul Hariss distiction, Many trophee and distinctions from many culturel ans civil organisations.
- Trophee from the Mayor of el-Mina (Tripoli) to express appreciation for contributions to different cultural activities organized by the municipality, 2010.
- Medal of the French Cultural Mission from the embassy of France in Lebanon, 2006.
- Knight of the Order of Academic Palms from the French government for the dissemination of the French culture, 2002.
Competences & Skills
Field(s) of Expertise:
- French Literature
- Francophone Literature
- Comparative Literature
- UNESCO Goals and Subjects
- Eucation
- French and Arab Literatures
- Translation
- Arabic
- French