About "Who Is She in Lebanon"

The Who Is She in Lebanon is an online database with profiles of prominent contemporary Lebanese women. This project started in 2008 following a bilateral partnership between the KVINFO, the Danish Centre for Information on Women and Gender, a grant-maintained self-governing institution under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture in Denmark.

The aim behind this project is to provide the public with easy access to biographical information on a large number of contemporary women in one of the following categories: opinion leaders, senior managers, politicians, professionals, artists, researchers, and experts within a wide range of subjects. A similar online database with a list of thousands of names of prominent Danish women has been available to the public since 1995.

The Arab Institute for Women (AiW) aims to make the Who Is She in Lebanon online database: 1) as comprehensive as possible; 2) as representative as possible of Lebanese women’s achievements in the various fields of specialization/occupations. At the same time, the list will be duly selective to reflect a high level of achievement by every woman included, depending on her field.

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