Associated organisations: 
Governmental Body
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Personal information

Lamia El Moubayed

Contact information (Private)

+961 1 751771
+961 3 377499

Contact information (Work)

Basil Fuleihan Institute of Economy and Finance
+961 1 425146 & +961 1 425147
+961 3 377499

Community/Lebanon Impact

  • Throughout my career, I have been a fervent supporter of women talents and put forth my commitment at many occasions. I nurtured excellence in institutions and people, I coached talented youth working in the State so that they become the ethical, visionary and competent leaders of tomorrow. I nurtured values of civil service and best value for tax payers’ money. I flagged unethical behavior and coached those who believe in a futuristic long-term vision of a modern state as the way out of exclusion and fragility.
  • "Ms. Moubayed is a development specialist with more than twenty years of experience  in policy planning and design, implementing development cooperation programs, managing institutions, mobilizing resources, and advising senior decision makers. Her experience spans senior positions in Government, international development, and the private sector, working for and with the IMF, the WB and UN agencies, and advising on Agenda 2030 for sustainable development as vice chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration. She currently leads a center of excellence in governance and public financial management (PFM), advises Prime ministers and ministers of Finance and serves on boards of regional organisations.
  • Her various roles presented her the opportunity to witness, act on and publish about major development issues in countries of the Middle East and Africa, particularly on topics including governance and institutional reform, public budgets, public procurement, gender, and sustainability. A fervent supporter of South-South cooperation Ms. Moubayed contributed to creating six institutes of public Finance and the foundation of two knowledge networks in the Middle East and North Africa region. In 2016, she was elected to the Board of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration. 
  • Fluent in four languages,  Ms. Moubayed holds a master’s degree in development economics, and certifications in Strategic Management, Policy Planning and Leadership. She was awarded the prestigious French distinctions of “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” (2015) and “l’Ordre National du Mérite” (2004)."

Social Media


  • Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Engineering, 1988, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Diploma, Ingénieur Agricole, 1988, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Master's degree, Business Administration, 1998, Ecole Supérieur des Affaires, Lebanon.
  • Master's degree, Agricultural Economics and Development, 1990, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Masters of Sciences, American University of Beirut. 

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Head, 2000 – present, Basil Fuleihan Institute of Finance, training and communication arm of the Ministry of Finance of Lebanon.
  • Economic Affairs Officer, 1997 – 2000, United Nations – ESCWA.
  • Project Manager, 1995 – 1997, United nations Development Program.
  • Assistant Manager, 1994 – 1997, Lebanese Arab Contracting and Engineering Company - LACECO.
  • Staff member, 1992 – 1997, Consultation and Research Institute - CRI.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Moubayed L., Potier V. et Yakhlef AB,(2016) “L’avenir de l’Action Publique: Regards croisées autour de la méditerranée », Centre National de La Fonction Publique Territoriale,  68p.
  • Moubayed Bissat L., (April 2015)  “Public Administration Reform: Challenges facing MENA countries”, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)  working group on Public Administration Reform  Barcelona, Spain.
  • Moubayed Bissat L., (June 204) From Government to Governance: How Will the Arab Region Meet  the Goals of Sustainable Development in the Post 2015 Period?” Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), E/ESCWA/ECRI/2015/WP.3 (Published).
  • Moubayed Bissat L., Ghandour I., Hatem S.(June 2014) “Building capacities in public financial management in a post-conflict country: A practice from the Ministry of Finance and the Institute of Finance of LebanonNew Directions in the Middle East, Digest of Middle East Studies, June 2014 (published).
  • Moubayed Bissat L., CRihan c Hatem S.,,  (October 2013) "Lebanon’s Experiment with Installing Competitive Recruitment,  paper submitted at the conference of the International Association for Administrative Sciences IAAS-IASIA, June 2013 and published in Assadissa: Journal of Public Finance and State Building.
  • Moubayed Bissat L., (October 2013) "Why Civil Service Reform is Inevitable in Times of Crisis", Assadissa: Journal of Public Finance and State Building, October 2013.
  • Moubayed Bissat L., (June 2013) “Future Risks and Strategies in MENA Transition Countries” paper submitted at the conference of the International Association for Administrative Sciences IAAS-IASIA.
  • Moubayed Bissat L., (June 2013)  “Public administration: Improving transparency and accountability”, paper presented at the Barcelona EuroMed Forum, Social inclusion in the aftermath of the Arab Spring: from politics to policies 27-28 June 2013.
  • Moubayed Bissat L., (Dec 2012) “Budget at the core of Public Financial Management Reform”, Assadissa: Journal of Public Finance and State Building, December 2012.
  • Moubayed Bissat L.  & Bsaibes M. (Dec 2012) "Introducing a Gender-Driven Approach to Performance Budgeting: AustriaJournal of Public Finance and State Building, December 2012.
  • Moubayed Bissat L., (August 2011) "Introducing Gender based Budgets in the Lebanese Budget system", Paper presented at the workshop on preparing Gender Based Budgets, organized by UN-ESCWA.
  • Moubayed Bissat L & Ghandour I., (May 2011) "Measuring the Salary Bill" Assadissa: Journal of Public Finance and State Building.
  • Moubayed Bissat, L. (2010, March). Tahaddiyat tamkin al-mar`a fi al-buldan al-arabiya: Ba'd attawajouhat al-houkoumiya 'ala daw` al-ittijahaat al-maliyya al-haditha [The challenges of women's empowerment in Arabic: Some governmental trends in light of recent financial trends]. Paper presented at the international conference on women and youth in Arab Human Development, organized by the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait.
  • Moubayed Bissat, L. (2004, April). Good practice note on capacity development in public financial management. Paper presented at the Working Party on Aid effectiveness and Donor Practices meeting of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • Moubayed Bissat, L. (2002, June). The role of civil society in rural community development: Two case studies from Lebanon. Paper presented at joint ESCWA-WBI Capacity Building Workshop on Rural Development in the Middle east, Beirut, 3-6 JUNE 2002.
  • Moubayed Bissat, L. (1999). Rural community development through strengthening institution building: Two case studies from Lebanon. New York: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) (E/ESCWA/AGR/1999/8).
  • Moubayed Bissat, L. (1999, July). Arab women and work: Review of progress since Beijing. Paper prepared for the International Labor Office (ILO) Regional Office for the Arab States.
  •  El Moubayed, L., Hatem, S., and Rihan, C., 2023 ""Intergovernmental Civil Service and Governance Reform Organizations in Crisis-Prone Contexts: An Analysis of the GIFT-MENA Network"" in Elayah M. & Alzandani B. (eds.) Conflicts in the Middle East and Africa State, Non-State Actors and Unheard Voices, Routledge, pp 2224.
  •  El-Moubayed, L., 2023, Enabling Gender Budgeting in Lebanon, Beirut: The United Nations Program for Women (to be published).
  •  Abouassi, k., El Moubayed, L., and Lee Trent, D., 13 Feb 2023 How Lebanon Can Unlock Its Oil and Gas Wealth, Foreign Policy.
  •  El Moubayed, L., 2022, Gender and Public Procurement: A guidance note, UN Women.
  •  El Moubayed, L., 2022, Enabling Gender Responsive Public Procurement in Lebanon: Steps Forward, UN Women.
  •  Moubayed L., & Wiest, B., 18 octo 2021, Sustaining Reform Amidst Conflict in the Middle East: The Role of Institutes of Finance, The International Monetary Fund PFM Blog.
  •  El Moubayed, L., Hatem, S., and Rihan, C., 2021 “Capacity Development for Changing Mindsets in the Arab Region – Governance Institutes Forum for Training in the Middle East and North Africa (GIFT-MENA)” in the Report on Changing. Mindsets to Realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, New York: The United Nations DESA/DPIDG.
  •  El Moubayed, L., and Rihan, C., 2019 Implementing Agenda 2030 in the Arab world: Contextualization, action areas and policy planning, Journal of public sector economics.43(4), pp 459-476.
  •  Boustani I., and El Moubayed, L., 2019, The economic and fiscal policies in the Era of Riad El Solh, Beirut: Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan.
  •  El Moubayed, L., Potier, V., et Yakhlef, AB., 2016, L’avenir de l’Action Publique: Regards croisées autour de la méditerranée, France: Centre National de La Fonction Publique Territoriale, 68p.
  •  El Moubayed, L., 2016, L'approche par competences peut-elle changer l’avenir de la Fonction Publique Libanaise?, Beyrouth : Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan.
  •  El Moubayed, L., 2015, From Government to Governance: How Will the Arab Region Meet the Goals of Sustainable Development in the Post 2015 Period?, Beirut: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, E/ESCWA/ECRI/2015/WP.3
  •  El Moubayed., L., Ghandour, I., Hatem, S., and Rihan, C., 2014, Building Capacities In Public Financial Management".

Published book:

  • ليلى، أو معنى أن تكون في غير بيتِك، لمياء المبيّض - دار الجديد" (2022)"
Major achievements: 
  • She has published articles, books, and reports on various topics related to public administration, administrative reform, economic development, public financial management, public procurement, gender issues, and more.
  • She has participated in international and Arab conferences and workshops, presenting research on the challenges facing Arab countries and the Middle East and North Africa.
  • She was elected as Vice-President of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration.
  • She has received awards and honors from international and national organizations, including a French honor.
Collaborations and Partnerships: 
  • Vice chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (2018-2021 and 2022-2025).
  • Non-resident Senior International Fellow, Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship, American University of Beirut


  • CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management & Leadership (2019), Chartered Management Institute, UK.
  •  Straegic Policy Planning (2018),The International Center for Parliamentary Studies, UK.
  • Certified Anti-Corruption Fellow (2022), the American Anti-Corruption Institute, USA.
  •  Leading for the future: The Arab region in a changing world (2011), Harvard Kennedy School Of Government, US.
  •  Leadership and Public Management certificate (2010), Ecole Nationale d’Administration, France."
  • "Awarded on July 13 2015, the French decoration : «Chevalier de La Légion d’Honneur».
  • Awarded on June 4th 2004, the French decoration : « Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite»."
  • Sana Najjar-Zahr Award for best student performance, American University of Beirut, Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences - Beirut, Lebanon, June 1988.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Development Economics
  • Administrative Development and Institutional Building
  • Capacity Building
  • Human Resources Management and Training
  • Media and Awareness
  • Networking, Partnership Building, and Funding
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English
  • Italian