Nazek Saba Yared
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Nazek Saba Yared

Contact information (Private)

+961 4 963716
+961 3 831622

Community/Lebanon Impact

One of the best things she feels she has done for Lebanon is her tireless efforts to instill a love for the Arabic language and literature in her students. She has dedicated herself to making these subjects come alive in the hearts of young minds, fostering a deep appreciation for their rich cultural heritage.

Moreover, she has been an active member of the International Baalbeck Festivals, where she played a pivotal role in the Arabic theatre performances. Her contributions extended to organizing and promoting these performances, ensuring that they were not just a celebration of art but also a celebration of Arabic culture.

Before the war tragically destroyed it, she was deeply involved in the small theatre in Kantary, a space that became a hub for presenting Arabic plays and performances for children. The theatre also hosted ballet and puppet shows, making it a vibrant center of cultural expression. Through these efforts, she has made a lasting impact on the arts and culture in Lebanon, particularly in preserving and promoting the Arabic language and theatre.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Associate Professor, 1978 - 1998, Lebanese American University.
  • Teacher of Arabic, 1950 - 1978, College Protestant Français (French Protestant College),

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Saba Yared, N. (2018). ِLoss. Beirut: Naufal Group.
  • Saba Yared, N. (2014). ِAl-la‘na [the curse]. Beirut: Arabic Scientific Publishers.
  • Saba Yared, N. (2009). Cancelled memories [Trans. from Arabic]. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  • Saba Yared, N. (2008). Dhikrayat lam taktamil. Beirut: Saqi Books.
  • Saba Yared, N. (2002). Secularism and the Arab World. London: Saqi Books.
  • Saba Yared, N. (1998). Al-dhikrayat al-mulghat. Beirut: Naufal Group.
  • Saba Yared, N. (1997). Improvisations on a missing string [Trans. from Arabic]. Arkansas: Arkansas University Press.
  • Saba Yared, N. (1996). Arab travellers and the West [Trans. from Arabic]. London: Saqi Books.
  • Saba Yared, N. (1992). Taqasim ‘ala watarin da’i’ [Improvisations on a missing string]. Beirut: Naufal Group.
  • Saba Yared, N. (1991). Al-rahhaloun al-`arab wa hadarat al-gharb [Arab travellers and the West] (2nd. Ed.). Beirut: Naufal Group.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 

Lectures in English:

  •  Equal by Constitution, Unequal in Practice, Emory Univ., Atlanta, 2003.
  •  Women as Novelists, Arkansas University, 1999.
  •  Women Issues in Lebanon, Tufts University, Medford, Mass., 1998.
  •  Identity & Conflict in the Novels of Contemporary Lebanese Women Writers, University of Urbana-Champagne, Illinois, 1996.
  •  The Renaissance and Reformation, Lebanese American University, 1990.


  • Prize for the best children’s novel written since 1997, for the novel Ba’idan ‘an Dhill al’Qal’a by the Lebanese Association of Children’s Books, 1999.
  • Prince Claus Award, Awarded by the Dutch government for literary and social contributions, 1998.
  • The prize of the Lebanese Association For Children’s Books for the novel Fi Dhill al-Qal’a, 1997.
  • Prize for the best Arabic novel translated by the Arkansas University Press for the novel Improvisations on a missing string, 1996.
  • Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Acedemiques by the French government for contributing to the French culture, 1977.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Education
  • Activism
  • Arabic
  • English
  • French
  • German