Associated organisations: 
Governmental Body
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Gender Equality

Personal information

Laura Sfeir Schinder
President of a NGO

Contact information (Private)

+961 6 400066
+961 3 924089

Contact information (Work)

Lebanese Council to Resist Violence against Women
+961 1 662 899 0r +961 624 060/1
+961 3 924 089

Community/Lebanon Impact

  • Ensuring Women & Girls Protection/Women safe spaces.
  • Eliminate all forms of discrimination & Violence Against women/GBV &  EGBV & SGBV.
  • Reaserch/Legal Reform/Advocacy on women Issues&women's Rights.
  • Lobbying and networking to access women’s access to justice and gender equality.
  • Women Political Participation&decision-making Positions.
  • Taking part&submitting Policies and strategies on women&girls.
  • Women economic independence: Socio economic empowerment&Live Skills. 
  • Human aids&relief services to women during crisis&conflicts. 


  • Master's degree, Sociology (Socio - Economic Science), 1978, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Bachelor degree, Sociology, 1974, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Lebanese Baccalaureate, Philosophy branch, 1971, National School (Tripoli), Lebanon.
  • Intermediate School Diploma, 1968, Carmelites Sisters School (Tripoli), Lebanon.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • President, 2006 - present, Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Woman (LECORVAW).
  • Head of department (controller), 1975 - present, Ministry of Economy and Trade (Tripoli, Lebanon).
  • Instructor, 1978 - 1982, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lebanese University.
  • Former State employee ministry of economic&trades.
  • Former University Professor Lebanese University-social sciences 
  • Current President of LECORVAW.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Sfeir - Schinder, L. (2004). Domestic Violence – The Lebanese family and its different issues. Beirut: Ministry of social affairs, Lebanese Republic.
  • Sfeir - Schinder, L. (1978). The agriculture issues and its effects on socio – economic levels in the region of AKKAR. Unpublished master's thesis, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon.
Major achievements: 
  • Supervising the team of LECORVAW in charge of preparing the draft law for protection from domestic violence, 2009.
  • Attending the "US Election Exchange" program hosted by American University and Meridian International and supported by MEPI, 2008.
  • Appointed as one of the facilitators at the Euro-med Neighborhood Politics Debate (Human Rights in the Executive Plan for Lebanon), 2006.
  • Appointed as Local Coordinator for the World March of Women / LEBANON, 2005.
  • Study entitled «The agriculture issues and its effects on socio-economic level in the region of AKKAR» Social Sciences Institutes-Lebanese University.
  • Study entitled «The Salary» at the public sector. Administration and Training Institute-Lebanese Republic-Beirut/Lebanon. 
  • Study entitled «Domestic Violence-The Lebanese family and its different issues». Ministry of social affairs-Lebanese Republic-Beirut/Lebanon.
  • Supervised the study of the draft of law on Domestic Violence “Family Law” presented to the Lebanese Parliament issued by LECORVAW.
  • Supervised the Publication of a study entitled «Assessment of Media Coverage of Gender Based Violence in Lebanon» issued by LECORVAW.
  • Supervised the study on personal status laws issued by LECORVAW. 
  • Supervised the study on the Unregistered marriages (Sunnites) issued by LECORVAW.
  • Supervisor of the study on Economic Gender Violence EGBV on social&legallevels, issued by LECORVAW&Women Alive (2022).
  • Supervisor on the Resource Kit on Economic Violence Against Women&Girls issued by LECORVAW&Women Alive (2023).
    Supervisor on the Draft of law intitled "the Protection of Girls Againt Child marriage" (2021) issued by LECORVAW&presented to the Lebanese Parliament,
  • Supervisor on the Draft of law "Eliminate the article 522/Penal code" issued by LECORVAW&presented to the Lebanese Parliament.
  • Study on Women Rights and Women conditions in Lebanon under the Covid/19 and the economic crisis in Lebanon presented to Salma Network.
  • Many Reports to the magazine&news papers,and articles/intervieus and TV stations on all forms of GBV.
  • Many social&legal Reports presented to Word Bank Groups and to different other parties&authorities
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • Participate in the 62nd CEDAW Session: Meeting with the CEDAW
    committee in Geneva and presenting the shadow report on women status in Lebanon.
  • Paricipate in the International woman Forum in New York
    Organize and Paricipate in the International woman March in Beirut and inBrazil.
  • Organize "La marche mondial des femmes" in Tripoli/North Lebanon.
  • Paricipate in the Peace Forum in Korea
  • Participate in many Experts meetings discussion to ameliorate the
    coordination between the civil society and the public sector.
  • Participate in many Experts meetings on Women Humanitarian Rights protection during and after wars and conflicts.
  • Participate in Salma and Aïcha Networks meetings and action plan to support the Syrian refugees in Jordan & Lebanon.
  • Participate in the «US Election Exchange» program hosted by American University and Meridian International through the support of the US Department of State's Middle East Partnership Initiative. Washington D.C/USA.
  • Implement many workshops and conferences on Domestic violence, VAW & VAC, GBV & SGBV & EGBV and related issues.
  • Speaker/Arab Woman Organization in the regional conference «sur la prevention et la lutte contre la violence a l'egard des femmes»-
  • Moderator of a round table in cooperation with the Palestinian Women Forum in Lebanon entitled «The relation of Violence Against Women with the local culture».
  • Facilitator/Speaker in the workshop «EU-Lebanon neighborhood policy action plan, challenges and opportunities to support realization of gender equality and women rights in Lebanon».
  • Moderator/Facilitator as representative of Salma Network in many workshops & conference.
  • Facilitator/Consultant on Violence Against Women «Consular Workshop organized by the British Embassy».
  • Moderator/Facilitator at the Regional Seminar on Arab Spring «Women and democratic changes».
  • Discussing & preparing a draft to include a feminist quota in the Lebaneseelection law. This project was supported jointly from the Lebanese parliament represented by the «Commission of Woman & Child» & the UNDPBeirut/Lebanon.
  • Speaker in a Seminar on Domestic Violence, focusing on approaches to the work with women victims of violence in Denmark and in the Arab region
  • Organised by The Danish Centre for Information on Women and Gender as part of the regional programme Dialogue and Cooperation on Women’sRights in the Arab Region. Kvinfo-Copenhagen/Denmark.
  • Supporting Approaches for Collaborative Policy Making and Legislation in Arabs Parliaments-London/United Kingdom.
  • Speaker in many topics related to GBV & women rights «Sexual Abuse Against Little Girls» «Child marriage» «Quota in the election law» «Honor Crime» «Nationality» «Family law» «Discrimination in the laws» etc…
  • Organizing and implementing activities on the International Women’s Day and the sixteen days of activism to eliminate all forms of violence against Women.
Collaborations and Partnerships: 

Regional Level:

  • Salma Network
  • Regional Action Forum (RAF)
  • Horra Regional Coalition
  • Fem Pawer Regional Consortium
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in various Arab countries

Local and National Level:

  • National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)
  • Lebanese Council of Women (LCW)
  • United Women Associations (UWA)
  • Women Alive Association
  • NGOs and civil society organizations
  • Women's alliances
  • Members of Parliament, ministers, municipal authorities, and stakeholders (religious leaders, academics, media, legal entities)

International Level:

  • UN Women
  • UN Population Fund
  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  • International NGOs such as KTK, Equality Now, DRC, IANSA Network, World Bank Group


4o mini

Inventions and Patents: 
  • Participated in and facilitated numerous campaigns since 2005 to eliminate various forms of discrimination and gender-based violence (GBV).
  • Provided feedback on international agreements ratified by Lebanon.
  • Personal status laws.
  • Criminal law: Honor crimes, rape, adultery, etc.
  • Nationality campaign.
  • Electoral campaign (quota).
  • Campaign for women’s integration into government.
  • Domestic violence (Family Law).
  • Campaign against child marriage.
  • Abolition of Article 522 in the personal status law and related provisions.
  • Campaign on economic gender-based violence (EGBV).
  • Solidarity with women and children in Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and many other women around the world facing violence and human rights violations at various levels, in collaboration with numerous human rights organizations.
  • Social and Legal Reform Campaigns
  • Participant and facilitator in many campaigns from 2005 till present, to eliminate different forms of discrimination and violence against women GBV
  • Raising reservations about the international agreements concluded by Lebanon.
  • Personal Status Codes.
  • Penal Code: Honor Crime, Rape, Adultery…etc.
  • Nationality Campaign.
  • Election Campaign (Quota).
  • Integration of women in the government campaign.
  • VAW (Family Law).
  • Child marriage Campaign
  • Elimination of the article 522 in the Personal code & related articles.
  • EGBV Campaign
  • Solidarity with women and children in Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen,Lybia and many women in the world who suffer from violence and violation of their human rights on different levels with the cooperation of many human rights organizations.


  • Certificate of «Head of department» in Public Sector-Institute of
    administration and Training-Lebanese Republic.
  • Certificates of appreciation-Word Bank Group/Women business and the law.
  • Accreditation certificates awarded by the Cultural League of Tripoli in North Lebanon.
  • Accreditation certificate awarded by the municipality of Tripoli in North Lebanon.
  • Accreditation certificate awarded by UN Volunteers and Lebanon center for Volunteer Work and Arab Federation for Voluntary activities-Beirut-Lebanon.
  • Trophies awarded by the president of the Lebanese American University (LAU)-Byblos-Lebanon.
  • Trophy awarded by Hayya Bina Association-Beirut-Lebanon.
  • Trophy awarded by Riyyadiyoun Min Ajl Loubnan Association-Tripoli-North Lebanon.
  • Trophy awarded by the house of literature, science and development TripoliLebanon.
  • Trophy awarded by Heartland Alliance in Lebanon.
  • Trophy awarded by the Lebanese University-Faculty of Social Sciences.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Social&economic situations
  • Protection for women&girls
  • Gender Based Violence
  • Women Rights
  • Women Political participation
  • Peace Building
  • SGBV
  • EGBV
  • Arabic
  • English
  • French