Gender Consultant
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Gender Equality

Personal information

Ghida Abdallah Anani
Founder & Director of ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality

Contact information (Private)

+961 3 663052

Contact information (Work)

ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality
+961 1 283820
+961 3663052

Community/Lebanon Impact

Ghida Anani is the Founder & Director of ABAAD – Resource Centre for Gender Equality, a leading CSO in the region advocating for gender equality. Ghida is putting in place the infrastructure for a sustainable system of protection against gender-based violence. She engages stakeholders that others avoid or fight: men, parliamentarians and ministries, and religious leaders. She has led a number of public opinion campaigns, notably the #Undress522 which resulted in a historical parliamentary vote, repealing Article 522 – the infamous ‘’rape-marriage’’ law - from the Lebanese Penal Code. In 2019, the campaign received the first prize “UN SDG Action Award” for the most impactful campaign globally.

As an expert in GBV and Child Protection, Ghida has published a number of studies, articles, training kits and community educational materials on GBV & Child Sexual Abuse in Lebanon and the MENA region. She has also dedicated some of her time teaching at the Faculty of Public Health at the Lebanese University. In 2018, Ghida was listed by the World Bank as one of 10 Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs Making a Difference across MENA and in 2019 she was selected by the UN Solutions Summit as one of the 10 extraordinary solution makers across the globe advancing the SDGs." In 2024, Ghida was elected as a board member of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA).

Social Media

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Founder & Director of ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality, 2011-present.
  • Modern University for Business and Sciences (MUBS)-Professor (2013-2014)
  • Lebanese University – Faculty of Public Health- Assistant Professor (2010-2013)
  • Co-Founder and Manager of the Engaging Men in EVAW Program and Head of the Child Sexual Abuse Unit, 2005-2011, KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation.
  • Medical & Social Worker, 2003-2005, Lebanese Council to Resist Violence against Women (LECORVAW).
  • Customers’ Service Officer, 2001-2003, Sahel General Hospital.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  •  Anani G., Feghali J. (2018). Syria GBV Rapid Assessment. Beirut: ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality.
  • Anani G., El Masri, R., Keedi, A., & Haddad, F. (2013). Playing for gender equality-training kit. Beirut: ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality & Save the Children International.
  • Anani G. (2013). Dimensions of gender-based violence against Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Oxford: Forced Migration Review.
  • Anani, G., Usta, J., & Dandashi, D. (2012). Working with gender based violence survivors-reference training manual for frontline staff. Amman: UNRWA.
  • Anani, G., & Abi Rafeh, L. (2011). Engaging lebanese men ‘key’ to women’s advance. Search for Common Ground.
  • Anani, G., & El Sanousi, M. (2010). Working with men and boys: A strategic choice in the MENA region to end gender based violence (GBV). Italy: Mediterranean Research Meeting.
  • Anani, G., Merhi, J., & Hammoud, H. (2010). Dalil huquq al-nisa' al-insaniya [Women human rights training manual]. Beirut: UNFPA.
  • Anani, G., Farhat, A., Chemaly, N., & El Hajj, Y. (2009). 'Ila al-amam sir: Al-razma al-tadribiya [Walking towards safety: Arab tool kit on child sexual abuse for educators and care providers]. Beirut: KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation.
  • Anani, G., Usta, J., Mahfoud, Z., & Abi Chahine, G. (2007). Child sexual abuse - The Lebanese situation. Beirut: KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation & Save the Children Sweden.



Major achievements: 
  • Selected by the Italian Society for International Organization and the Italian government for "Women in Diplomacy School", 2014.
  • Founded three safe shelters for abused women and their children in Lebanon, 2013.
  • Founded "The Center for Men", for psychological rehabilitation of men with abusive behaviors in Lebanon, 2011.
  • Gender Advisor at the UN Office for the Coordination of Humaanitarian Affairs. (OCHA)/Emergency Response Fund (ERF),2015.
  • Board member of the "Girls Not Brides Global Campagin", 2014 till present.
  • Board member of the ICVA, 2024.
  • Guest Speaker at the UNSG press conference on the occasion of the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women, 2009.


  • Honored as part of the program “Icon of Pioneering” & “Leaders from the land of Cedars” in 2018.
  • In 2018, she was honored as part of the "Icon of Pioneering" and "Leaders from the Land of Cedars" programs at Bethania, alongside a distinguished group of Lebanese figures known for their achievements and leadership across various sectors.
  • She received the "Women Leadership Achievement Award" from the "World Women Leadership Congress & Awards" in 2014, recognizing women leaders who possess vision, skill, wisdom, professionalism, and demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in organizations, influencing their surroundings and community and achieving tangible results.
  • The "ABAAD" association received the "WOMANITY" award for innovative approaches to ending gender-based violence in June 2014.
  • She received the Excellence in Cooperative Education Award from the American University of Beirut in 2008.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Gender-Based Violence (GBV)  
  • Gender and Gender Equality  
  • Child Sexual Abuse and Child Protection  
  • Case Management for Abused Women and Children  
  • Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and GBV Programs  
  • Capacity Development, Programming, and Facilitation  
  • Policy Development  
  • Advocacy and Lobbying  
  • Policy Reform
  • Arabic
  • English
  • French