Associated organisations: 
Governmental Body
International Organization
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Wafaa El Dikah Hamze
Consultant, Former Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs

Contact information (Private)

961 1 821900
+961 3 730707

Contact information (Work)

National Commission for Lebanese Women
+961 5 955101 & +961 5 955102

Social Media



  • Post Graduate Studies, Rural Extension and Participatory Rapid Appraisal, 1992, The International Agricultural Center, the Netherlands.
  • Post Graduate Studies, Management of Programs, 1991, German Foundation for International Development, Germany.
  • Master's of Science, Crop Production, 1988, American Univerdity of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Bachelor of Science and Engineering diploma, General Agriculture, 1986, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Lebanese Baccalaureate II, 1981, Evangelical School of Zahle, Lebanon.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Senior Adviser for policy and international development at the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture (December 2016 - present).
  • Gender Equality Adviser at FAO Lebanon (2020 - present). 
  • Team leader, formulation of National Agriculture Strategy 2020-2025 (NAS) in the framework of FAO TCP project, and in collaboration with WBG and UNESCWA (2019-2020).
  • Consultant for Gender Mainstreaming at FAO (November 2018 - January 2019).
  • Consultant UNESCO Partnership Program. Formulated and implemented 3 grant projects:
    • Assessment of Gender Equality Legal frameworks in Lebanon and development of legal policy recommendations for improved gender responsiveness to financial, economic, and health-related crises in Lebanon (February 2021 - February 2022).
    •   Promoting women's leadership in Lebanese rural communities - a multidimensional approach (January 2019 - June 2020).
    • "Women Tales in My Country" (January 2017 - January 2018).
  • Senior Agricultural Specialist and Independent Consultant in rural development, and on SDG 2030  with UN Women and League of Arab States, 2016. 
  • Regional Adviser for Gender Equality and Women Advancement, at UN-ESCWA , (2013 - 2015)
  • Head of the Lebanese delegation in the meeting of the second non-aligned movement First ladies Summit on Food Security and Women Access to Resources (2009)
  • Head of the Lebanese delegation, study tour on Rural Development and Appraisal of Rural territories in Apuglia Region, Italy (2008).
  • Head of the Lebanese delegation, Italian Forum for Women Entrepreneurs (2007). 
  • Consultant/Program Director to establish the National Observatory for Women in Agriculture and Rural Areas (NOWARA), in cooperation with Italian and Lebanese Government (2007 - present)
  • Consultant on the National Observatory for Women in Agriculture and Rural Areas Project (NOWARA),Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanese government (2007 - present) 
  • Advisor for international cooperation, policy development, and gender issues,Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanese government (2005 - present)
  • Minister of State for Parliament Affairs, Lebanese government (2004 - 2005)
  • Coordinator: FAO programs and activities in Lebanon (2003 -2004); Italian Agriculture Cooperation Programs in Lebanon (2002 - 2004); International Office of Vine and Vineyards (2001 - 2004).
  • Director,Agro-industry and Food Department, Ministry of Agriculture (1996 - 2004) 
  • Instructor, Lebanese University (1992-1998) and American University of Beirut (2012)
  • Consultant and expert, rural development and participation, planning and coordination, training, gender mainstreaming, & agro food and nutrition policies (1990 - present) 
  • Formerly she held several Senior level official responsibilities in the Lebanese public sector, and in international and regional programs including Italian Cooperation, EU , IFAD and World Bank.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2023). Citizenship and women's political participation in the Arab Region. Paper presented to the Regional Seminar on Equality in citizenship in Arab Countries: Challenges and Achievements, The Arab Women Organization and NCLW of Lebanon.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2022). The Gender Strategy for the Project “Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable smallholder farm families affected by the economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic”, GCP/LEB/036/CAN.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2022, February). Assessment of Legal Frameworks for women’s rights and gender equality in Lebanon: A synthesis report prepared for UNESCO Partnership Programme.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2021). The Gender Strategy for the Project: "Support to Women Cooperatives and Associations in the Agro-food Sector of Lebanon"
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2021). Digital Revitalization of the Agri-food Sector in Mashreq. Focus on Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon. Background paper published by the World Bank.
  • The Lebanon National Agriculture Strategy 2020-2025 (2020), Lebanese Ministry of Agiculture, Team Leader of the Strategy Core team.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2018). Social Protection in Lebanon. Communication presented at FAO Council on FAO's Role In Social Protection: innovation to achieve zero hunger, reduce poverty, and build resilient communities. 
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2016). Towards the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in Lebanon. A background paper in preparation for the 19th Conference of Women’s Rights Committee.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2015). Future perspectives on the implementation of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action after 20 years (Policy brief). United Nations. 
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2007). The role of Lebanese women in national economy - an entrepreneurial dimension. Paper presented at the Italian Forum for Women Entrepreneurs in Mediterranean Middle East and Arab Gulf Countries, 5 - 6 March.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2003). Fruits and vegetables agro industry in Lebanon. Synthetic review presented to CIHEAM, IAMB.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (1997). Women in agricultural development : A force for change. Al-Raida, XV(79).
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2002). Rural institutions and participatory experiences in North Beqaa. Study presented to FAO.
Major achievements: 
  • Contributed to establishing the AFRAS (the Arab Forum for rural advisory services) 2022-present) and member of its technical advisory board (2024). An FAO/IFAD supported initiative.  
  • Founding member of  the National Commission for  the Lebanese Women (1996)  and elected member of its executive board (1996-2020, and vice president (2017-2020) . 
  • Lead the National Coalition for women in Politics- an assembly of 150 ngo’s and activists promoting women’s role in politics and advocating for the Quota system in electoral systems and decision making positions (2017-2019).  
  • Contributed to establishing the Arab Women Organization under the umbrella of the League of Arab States.
  •  A prominent activist for women’s rights and gender equality in Lebanon and the Arab Region, leading the National Coalition “Women for Politics”. 
  • Establishing and launching the National Observatory for Women in Agriculture and Rural Areas (NOWARA), November 2008 - present.
  • Attending the high-level meeting on Investing for Food Security in a Global Economyorganized by FAO and the OECD, 2009.
  • Member of Lebanese Team entrusted with preparing Lebanon's paper for the World Food Security Summit, 2009.
  • Main speaker on the occasion of International Women Day at the Chamber of Commerce in Bari (Italy), 2008.
  • Lebanon official representative at the International Olive Council, 2002 - 2005.
  • Member of the Drafting Committee to set the Arab Woman Organization rules and procedures, 2002.
  • Planning, program design, and implementation including teaching and training techniques in specialized topics covering agriculture, food processing, rural development, extension, environment …etc, for more than 25 training programs, workshops and conferences, 1991 - present.
  • Author and co-author of more than 20 publications, communications, articles in local newspapers, national reports, and studies.
  • Official delegate and head of delegation to many UN, International and Regional Conferences, Summits and Seminars.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • “Climate change and food security - impact on women and rural people”. A communication presented at the Regional Seminar of Parliamentarians in the Arab region, Arab Women Organization, Sharm El Sheikh, 29-31 July 2024. 
  • “Activating international and national legislation and legal mechanisms to protect women and girls in times of war: lessons from Arab experiences,” communication at the side event organized by AWO and Libya at CSW of the UN,  New York, March 13, 2024. 
  • The regional conference on “Women, Security and Peace: Challenges facing women in the Arab world” under the slogan “Stop the aggression against Gaza” , Regional Conference organized by AWO, Kuwait 15-16 February 2024. 
  • Digitization in Economic and social empowerment for vulnerable women and rural groups . Communication presented at the Side event organized by Morocco, Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) of the UN, New York, March 2023. 
  • Panellist at GFRAS - Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services annual meeting, Denver, USA, October 2023.
  • Communication presented as Keynote Speaker at the Arab Youth Forum, Arab Women Organization and the Egyptian Ministry of Youth, Cairo, 26 Jan 2023; 
  • Communication presented as a panellist at the High Level Regional Forum on women political participation in the Arab Region, UNDP and Arab Women Organization, Cairo, September, 18-20 Sept. 2023.
  •  Communication presented at the Regional Conference on Arab Women Economic Participation, Arab Women Organization, German Foundation, and National Committee for Women in Jordan, Amman, 27-28 Sept.  2023.
  • Communication presented on “The role of digitalization in economic and social empowerment for vulnerable women”, CSW 67th Session - side event, Ministry of Social Integration and  Family, Kingdom of Morocco, March 7, 2023.
  • Communication presented at the Global Forum of the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019 – 2028 (UNDFF), organized by FAO and IFAD September 2022. 
  • Panellist at the International meeting on Agrifood systems facing climate change in the MENA region: gender equality for better resilience, March 2022. Online event co-organized by the UfM, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa (FAO RNE) and CIHEAM. 
  • Communication presented at Regional Consultation on Transformative pathways for Rural Advisory Services in the MENA Region, FAO Regional Office, June 2022.  
  • Communication presented at the Pre-Med Meeting “The Food Security-Climate Change Nexus in the Mediterranean”- Med Dialogue, Rome, Dec 2019. 
  • Communication presented at the High-level side event of FAO Council in Rome in June 2018 on FAO's Role in Social Protection: innovation to achieve zero hunger, reduce poverty and build resilient communities with preventatives from donor countries, 2018.  
  • Communication presented  at the UFM Women4Mediterranean Conference 2018 – Women build inclusive societies, Lisbon , October 2018.   
  • Communication presented at the CSW, N.Y, “Social Protection for Arab Women’s Empowerment’, Side event at the Sixty-third session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 63), March 2019. 
  • Communication presented at the Euro-Arab Workshop and study visit on “women empowerment and non-discrimination against women “, 7-8 Dec. 2016.  
  • Communication presented at the International Seminar “Mediterranean Women Networks for Gender Empowerment in Rural Areas” organized by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CIHEAM, 8 October 2015, Expo Milano, Milano-Italy. 
  • Communication presented at the Second non-aligned movement First Ladies Summit on Food Security and Women Access to Resources, Rome, November 15, 2009.  
  • Key note speaker on International Rural Women Day. Organized by Italian Ministry of Agriculture Policies, Fisheries and Forestry, Rome, Nov.2006
  • Women Facing the Impact of the World Economic Crisis on Development in Lebanon,lecture during a workshop organized by the United Nations Population Fund, 2009.
  • Women in Decision Making Positions, lecture at a seminar by the Working Women League, 2009.
  • Agriculture in Lebanon: Performance and Development, lecture at seminar organized by the American University of Science and Technology, 2008.
  • International lecturer on the occasion of World Rural Women Day organized by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture Policies, Fisheries, and Forestry, November 2006.
  • Lecturer on the Arab Conference on Human Rights - Women Rights organized by the Ministry of Human Rights in Yemen, 2006.
Newspaper articles and columns: 
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2018). Agriculture in Lebanon - a sector in crisis with obscure vision. Annahar, special edition. 
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2011). Women in decision-making positions in Lebanon. Review published in Annahar Newspaper.
  • Dikah Hamze, W. (2009, March 8). Al-mar`a allubnaniya fi mawaqe' al-qarar [Lebanese women in decision making positions]. An-Nahar.
Collaborations and Partnerships: 
  • Elected Vice President Governing Board CIHEAM (International Center for Advanced Studies for Agriculture in the Mediterranean Region) (August 2023), and GB member (March 2018-Present). 
  • President Executive Board of Arab Women Organization (AWO) 2024-2025 ) and Member of EB, ( 2019-Present).  
  • Member of the advisory team for the establishment of the Arab Woman Organization 2002, and substantive contributor to the specialized conferences held by the Arab Women Summits and member of the conferences drafting committees. 
  • Member of AFRAS (Arab Forum for Rural Advisory Services) Advisory team supported establishing the AFRAS, FAO /IFAD , and member of its Technical Advisory Board (November 2022- Present).   
  • Member of International Scientific Council of the 3rd World Conference on the Revitalization of the Mediterranean Diet, Change of Route, CIHEAM Bari, Italy, 28-30 September 2022.  
  • Member of Board of Trustees, AUNOHR University College for Non-violence and Human Rights in Lebanon (2016) and Fellows Board Member (2012-2015). 
  • Vice President of the National Commission for Lebanese Women-NCLW (June 2017-May 2020), and Elected Member of its  Executive Board. Founder member of NCLW and member of its executive board (1996-2004), reappointed in 2008- till 2020. 


  • Awarded the Lebanese National Order of the Cedars- Commander, 2013.  
  • Recipient of the Italian National Order –Cavalier, 2013. 
  • Appreciation award- “Arab Women- Keepers of the  Land”, ESDU-FAFS of AUB, 2016, Beirut Lebanon. 
  • Recipient of Al-Taef Award for Lebanese Women Pioneers, 2010. 
  • Award: White Hands Campaign, the Arab Producers’ Union for TV production, 2010. 
  • Appreciation Award, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, AUB, 2005. 
  • Appreciation Award, the Lebanese Council of Women, 2004. 
  • Appreciation Award, the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture, 2004.
  • Recipient of the FAO World Food Day Medal, (Medal of Matsoyo Yamamoto), awarded by FAO and Minister of Agriculture, Lebanon, 1992. 
  • Appreciation, Chamber of Commerce, Apulia Region, Italy, 2008.
  • Appreciation Award, Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Rome 2006.
  • Medal of Lebanese Women Council, 2005.
  • Medal from the American University of Beirut, 2004.
  • The FAO World Food Day Medal (Medal of Matsoyo Yamamoto) from the Minister of Agriculture, 1992.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Agriculture & Rural Development
  • Capacity Development
  • Development
  • Food Security
  • Gender Equality
  • Rural Development and Food Systems
  • Policy Development and Coordination 
  • Women's Rights
  • Women Economic and Political Empowerment
  • Arabic
  • English
  • French