Associated organisations: 
Alumni association of the American University of Beirut
Field(s) of expertise: 
Cultural Events
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Nour Farra Haddad
Researcher, Professor, Managing Director

Contact information (Private)

+961 3 818 733

Contact information (Work)

NEOS s.a.r.l.
+961 1 376 480
+961 3 818 733

Community/Lebanon Impact

Lebanon is my passion …. I preach every day the tourism potential in Lebanon as a teacher at three universities and working as a consultant in the tourism field. I developed different projects to promote Lebanon as a multi-face and multi-faith unique country. In 2004 I published a guide promoting Ecotourism, nature and rural tourism in Lebanon under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism. ‘Eco-Lebanon’ remain until nowadays undoubtedly the most comprehensive data base for alternative, ecotourism, rural and nature base tourism in Lebanon.

Under the Patronage of the Minister of Information H.E. Mr. Melhem Riachy and the Minister of Tourism H.E. Mr. Avedis Guidanian I organized the launching of Lebanon’s first Religious Tourism App. on Thursday 7th of June 2018. Holy-Lebanon is a guide to sacred Lebanon supporting sustainable development and interreligious dialogue.


  • Doctorate degree (with distinction), Anthropology, 2004 - 2008, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Postgraduate diploma (with distinction), Anthropology, 2001 - 2003, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Certification ISO 9000 Auditor / Lead Auditor, 2000, Lloyd’ Register / Minds master, Lebanon.
  • Tourist Guide Diploma, 1999, Ministry of Tourism, Lebanon.
  • Master's degree, (with distinction), Anthropology, 1997 - 1998, Saint - Joseph University, Lebanon.
  • Bachelor degree, Anthropology, 1994 - 1997, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Bachelor degree, Sociology & Public Relations, 1994 - 1996, Saint - Joseph University, Lebanon.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Lecturer & Professor, 2015 - present, Lebanese University, Faculty of Tourism
  • Lecturer& Professor, 2014 - present, Lebanese University, Faculty of Agriculture
  • Lecturer & Professor, 2013 - present, Faculty of Business and Economics, American University of Science and Technology (AUST).
  • Founder and Managing Director, 2009 – present, NEOS s.a.r.l. (Lebanon).
  • Lecturer & Professor, 2009 - present, Faculty of Science of Religions, Saint Joseph University.
  • Expert tourism consultant, 2003 - present, AL TILAL project, a training center for rural development for the Association for Development and Culture (ALDEC).
  • Expert tourism consultant, April 2009- present, Lebanese Maronite Order (Lebanon Roots).
  • Managing Director, September 2003 – April 2009, Lebanon Roots, Lebanese Maronite Order.
  • Consultant, June 2003 – June 2005, Info touristic center of Byblos (CAITB) project, Municipality of Byblos/ Byblos Festival.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Farra Haddad, N.  (2018) ‘S’habiller aux couleurs des saints :  démarches votives et culte des saints au Liban’ in Philippe Jockey : Les arts de la couleur en Grèce ancienne… et ailleurs. Approches interdisciplinaires. Supplément du Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique No56.  Ecole française d’Athènes .
  • Farra Haddad, N.  (2017) ‘ D’un rituel à l’autre, d’une temporalité à l’autre : Observations autour de pratiques dévotionnelles votives au Liban’ in  Chiffoleau S., Madoeuf A, Dannaoui E., Slim S.  : Explorer le Temps au Liban et au Moyen Orient. Publications of the University of Balamand.
  • Farra Haddad, N.  (2016) “Shared Religious Rituals and Pilgrimage Sites: A movement beyond the Christian-Muslim Divide” in Religious Diversity Today, Experiencing Religion in the Contemporary World, Edited by Anastasia Panagakos, Praeger, ABC-CLIO, LLC, California, 89-110.
  • Farra Haddad, N.  (2016) « Le maqam de Sayyida Khawla a Baalbek, Liban: entre visites dévotionnelles et haut lieu de pèlerinage chiite »,  In Figures de sainteté féminine, musulmane et chrétienne en Afrique du Nord et au Proche Orient, Actes du colloque international organise par le CEDIFR, USJ, Beirut.
  • Farra Haddad, N.  (2016) “ Shared rituals Through Ziyarat in Lebanon: A Typology of Christian and Muslim practices.” In Ines Weinrich (Hg): Performing Religion: Actors, contexts, and texts.  Case Studies on Islam, Beirut und Würzburg: Ergon  (Beiruter Texte und Studien 122.)
  • GHOSN C., FARRA-HADDAD, N., (2016) "Dialogue virtuel en contexte d'insécurité au Moyen-Orient : analyse de messages et de 'post' de fraternité interreligieuse sur les réseaux sociaux », 3ème Colloque International ComSymbol Religion(s), laïcité(s) et société(s) au tournant des humanités numériques, 9-10 November 2016, Montpellier. Coord. : Stefan Bratosin et Mihaela Alexandra Tudor, Ed. Iarsic: 364-386.
  • Farra Haddad, N.  (2015) « Planning For Sustainable Tourism Development in a context of regional instability: the case of the Lebanon” in, Nigel D Morpeth and Dr. Gordon Yan (ed) Planning for Tourism: Towards a Sustainable Future, CABI Tourism texts, UK,  186-202.
  • Farra Haddad, N.  ( 2015) “Case Study 8: Pilgrimages toward South Lebanon: Holy Places Relocating Lebanon as a Part of the Holy Land” in Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management, An International Perspective, Edited by R Raj, Leeds Beckett University, UK, K Griffin, Dublin Institute of Technology, 279-296.
Major achievements: 
  • Conference consultant for the Rencontre sur la pastorale du tourisme dans les pays du Moyen Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord [Meeting about pastoral care of tourism in the Middle East and North Africa], 5- 8 March 2003, Notre Dame, Lebanon.
  • Coordinator and tourist guide for the 26 First Ladies attending the “IXe Sommet de la Francophonie” [ninth Francophonie Summit] organized in October 2002 by the Ministry of Tourism, Lebanon.
  • Event consultant for the exhibition La Terre Vue du Ciel [Earth Seen from the Sky] by Yann Arthus Bertrand, July - August 2002, Le Monde gallery, Lebanon.
  • Conference consultant for the “1st conference on youth tourism in Lebanon” organized by the Lebanese Youth Hostel Federation on the 4th of June 2002 at Geffinor Rotana Hotel, Lebanon.
  • Conference consultant for the “Middle East Symposium of Speleology” organized by the Speleo Club du Liban at the Holy Spirit University in Kaslik, April 20 - 22, 2001, Lebanon.
  • Concert coordinator for the: “Beirut International Jazz Festival” (may 25-29, 1997) & “Electric Light Orchestra Concert” (December 1998).
  • Logistics and site coordinator for the: “Jazz Fusion Concert: Eleventh House” (November 1998) & Logistic person for the “Heineken Jazz Festival” (May 26-30, 1998).

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Religious anthropology
  • Religious tourism
  • Guiding Tourists
  • Interfaith Dialogue
  • World Religions
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Sustainable Development
  • Coordinating Events
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English