Nimat Asaad Kanaan
Former Director General
Field(s) of expertise: 
Public Service
Social work
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Nimat Asaad Kanaan
Former Director General, Consultant

Contact information (Private)

+961 5 452453

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Consultant to the Executive Secretary, 2005 - 2007, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).
  • Director General, 1993 - 2005, Ministry of Social Affairs, Republic of Lebanon.
  • Acting Director General, 1992, Ministry of Social Affairs, Republic of Lebanon.
  • Deputy Director General, 1992, Ministry of Public Health, Republic of Lebanon.
  • Acting Director General, 1972, Office of Social Development, Republic of Lebanon.
  • Director, 1968, Social Services Department, Office of Social Development, Republic of Lebanon.
  • Acting Director, 1967, Social Services Department, Office of Social Development, Republic of Lebanon.
  • Head, 1963, Social Services Department, Office of Social Development, Republic of Lebanon.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Asaad Kanaan, N. (2008). Social work in Lebanon: Its beginnings, development, and future scope (in Arabic). Beirut: Raidy Press.
  • Asaad Kanaan, N. (1996). National plan proposal to face the problem of juvenile delinquency. Beirut: Ministry of Social Affairs.
  • Asaad Kanaan, N. (1980). Social services in Lebanon. Beirut: Office of Social Development.
  • Asaad Kanaan, N. (1977). Single mothers in Lebanon. Unpublished study. Beirut: Lebanese University.
  • Asaad Kanaan, N. (1965). Social welfare in a social institution. Unpublished master's thesis. Beirut: American University of Beirut.
Major achievements: 
  • First Lebanese woman appointed Director General in a public institution.
  • Over forty years of experience in the field of social development in technical, managerial, and decision-making positions.
  • Major role in developing the draft law for initiating the Ministry of Social Affairs and the decrees of mapping out this ministry.
  • Major role in developing the draft law for initiating the national committee for disabled persons.
  • Initiating the program for securing the needs and access to the rights of disabled persons.
  • Suggesting a pioneer project to initiate a social development services center (Basic Services) which was conducted as a model to a plan which covered all Lebanon.
  • Major role in developing the draft law no. 220/2000 for securing the needs and rights of disabled persons.
  • Leading the first population census in Lebanon since 1932 in collaboration with UNFPA.
  • Major role in suggesting and developing many national committees approved by the council of ministers like: Higher Council for Childhood; Eradication of Illiteracy; National Committee of Population; National Committee for Elderly People.
  • Major role in developing the standards of services followed in social institutions by NGOs and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
  • Listed in the Who's Who Guidebook published by American Biographical Institute, 1999 & 2005.
  • Participating in developing the draft international convention to secure the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities in the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
  • Supervising the making of more than 60 publications by the Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) (books, guides, brochures, newsletters, and posters), including joint publications with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), about different topics including: Drug Abuse; Management of NGOs in Lebanon; Population and Housing; Reproductive Health; Socio-Economic Situation in Lebanon; Social Work; Voluntary Work; Youth .
  • Attending workshops related to Ageing, Childhood, Development, Disability, Family, Illiteracy, Population, and Non-governmental Organizations, 1992 - 2005.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • Giving lectures in different universities, training centers, workshops, and conferences, related to social work.


  • Title of "Millenium Woman" by the British Biographical Institute, 1999.
  • Cedars Medal of the Lebanese Republic (Commendore), 2005.
  • Woman of the Year Award from the American Biographical Institute, 1999 & 2005.
  • Said Akl Award, 2002
  • Lebanese Government Medal of Labour of First Order, 1978.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Education
  • Development
  • Managing a Public Institution
  • Social Welfare
  • Strategic Planning
  • Arabic
  • English