Nahawand El-Kaderi Issa
University Professor
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Nahawand El-Kaderi Issa
Researcher, Professor

Contact information (Work)

Lebanese University

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Professor, 1989-present, Lebanese University.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. (2017).  Kawabih Al Taghyeer al kamina fi albonya aleelamiya w elitisaliya alrahina  "The Boundaries of Change in the Current Media and Communication Structure", the first chapter of the book "The Arab Media and the Bears of Change in the Shadow of Transformation", Proceedings of the Conference organized by the Faculty of Information at the Lebanese University,  Edited by Nhonad Qadri Issa, Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, 2017. 
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. (2019). Childhood and Media Policies in Lebanon, Lebanese researchers gather, published online study, on the website of the Association       
  • The Media Profession and its Ethics in the Light of Technological and Communication Developments, a chapter of the Journal of "Communication and Information" published by the Research Center of the Faculty of Information, "Changes in the Practice of the Media Profession in Lebanon", No. 4, Essa.
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. In search of commitment in the Lebanese virtual space, in print, in the Journal of Communication and Information, No. 5.
  • University youth between the academic and virtual time and the possibilities of control, research published in the book of the seventeenth annual researchers, under the title: "Time: Approaches and Certificates", gathered Lebanese researchers, Dar al-Tanweer, 2016-2017
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. (2013). al-Istithmar fi al-i‘lam wa tahadiyat al-mas'uliya al-ijtima‘iya: al-namuthaj al-lubnani [Investing in information sector and the challenges of social responsibility: The Lebanese model]. Beirut: Centre for Arab Unity Studies.
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. (2012). Awjuh muaalajat al-ialam al-lubnani li mawdu' al-unuf ala asas al-naw' al-ijtimai [Assessment of media coverage of gender based coverage in Lebanon]. Beirut: The Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Women.
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. (2008). Nahwa tamkeen al-nisaa fi al-ialam: Kira'a tahliliya fi ayina min buhuth al-mara'a wa al-ialam, al mara'a wal kanun [Towards empowering women in media: analysis of a sample of woman and media, and woman and law]. Beirut: Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development.
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. (2008). Kira'a fi thakafat al-fadaiyat al-arabiya: al-wukuf ala tukhum al-tafkik [Insight into the Arab satellite channels culture: on the edge of dismantling]. Beirut: Centre for Arab Unity Studies.
  • El-Kaderi, Issa, N. & Harb, S. (2002).Al-ialamiyat wal ialamiyun fi al-television: bahith fi al-adwar wa al-mawaki' [Female and male broadcasters: a research into roles and positions]. Beirut: The Lebanese Association of Women Researchers (Bahithat) and the Arab Cultural Center.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Media and Gender
  • Media and Communication
  • Media Strategies
  • Media Law and Ethics
  • Media and Society
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English