Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Nada Moghaizel Nasr
Honorary Dean of Faculty of education, Professor, Rector’s Delegate for quality Assurance and Pedagogy

Contact information (Work)

Saint - Joseph University
+961 1 421182

Community/Lebanon Impact

Founder of the first teaching diploma in the Arab world (2016), targeting Lebanese university professors.

Editor of the USJ-Pedagogical Manual (Manuel de pédagogie universitaire USJ, 2016), published in paper and digital format and complemented by short videos that illustrate the different chapters. It is a simple, original and useful tool that aims at helping faculty members to enrich their pedagogical practices. This Manual is used in Lebanon and in many francophone countries.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Rector’s Delegate for quality Assurance and Pedagogy.
  • Dean, 2004 - 2012, Faculty of Education, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Professor, 2002 - present, Faculty of Education, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Professor, 1989 - present, Lebanese Institute of Educators, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Head of the Department of Teacher Training (primary level), 1995 - 2001, Lebanese Institute of Educators, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Professor, 1984 - 1988, School of Social Sciences, Lebanese University.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Conception and Coordinaton of Manuel de pédagogie universitaire USJ, 2015.
  • Moghaizel Nasr, N. (2008). Joseph et Laure [Joseph and Laure]. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar.
  • Moghaizel Nasr, N. et al. (2007). Education à la citoyenneté [Education for citizenship]. Travaux et Jours, 79.
  • Moghaizel Nasr, N. (2005). Ashya' basita [Simple Things], Beirut: Dar An-Nahar (second edition).
  • Moghaizel Nasr, N. (2004). Le goût de lire [The joy of reading]. Paris: Entretiens Nathan.
  • Moghaizel Nasr, N. et al. (2003). Premiers apprentissages et construction de l’identité[Initial learning and construction of identity]. Beirut: Entretiens Nathan.
  • Moghaizel Nasr, N. (1999). D’autres images écrites [Other written images]. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar (first edition).
  • Moghaizel Nasr, N. (1994). Images écrites [Written images]. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar (first edition).
Major achievements: 
  • Implementation of quality assurance and accreditation processes in Higher Education.
  • International expert for quality assurance in Higher Education.
  • International expert in Higher Education pedagogy.


  • Recipient of the Palmes Académiques from the French Republic, as a Knight, 2016.


Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Citizenship Education
  • Learning Mechanisms
  • Teacher Training
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English