Associated organisations: 
Cultural Organization
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Personal information

Leila Barakat
Team Leader of the European-Union funded project “Communicating Results of the EU Support to the Private Sector Development”

Contact information (Private)

+961 1 353982
+961 3 915324

Contact information (Work)

Ministry of Culture
+961 1 792360 & +961 1 792358

Community/Lebanon Impact

  • She was the General Coordinator of Beirut World Book Capital  and wrote an Encyclopedia that indexes the work in the cultural field of civil society organisations, schools, artists, thinkers, etc.
  • Case study presented with the participation of the head of the Parliamentary commission for Administration and Justice, the head of the Parliamentary commission for Finance and Budget, a University Dean and University professors, and in the presence of an official representative of Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati. 
  • Lobbying with the Press and a communication campaign accompanied the launching of the case study. 
  • The data and information revealed in this case study have been adopted by the attorney-general in the Court of Audit by his Decision no 57/2985 dated 4/5/2011. The case study has also received written congratulations from Prime Minister Mr. Saad Hariri.  

Social Media


  • Doctorate degree (with high distinction), Management, 2004, Paris II, France.
  • Doctorate degree, Comparative Literature (Francophony), 1995, Sorbonne Nouvelle, France.
  • Master's degree, Comparative Literature (Francophony), 1992, Sorbonne Nouvelle, France.
  • B. A (Bachelor of Arts) of Sociology from the American University of Beirut.
  • License of French Literature from the Lebanese University.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  •  Team Leader and Communication, Visibility, and Knowledge Management Expert at Sweco Denmark (December 2023 - May 2024) - ongoing
  •  Team Leader and Senior Communication Expert at Ginger SOFRECO (January 2024 - March 2024) - ongoing
  •  Senior Communication Expert at DT Global (February 2022 - October 2023)
  •  Bid Writer at PROMAN (August 2023 - September 2023)
  •  Team Coordinator and Digital Communication Expert at DT Global (March 2021 - April 2023)
  •  Team Leader at Congenia (October 2021 - March 2023)
  •  International Communication Expert at Agriconsult (April 2022 - August 2022)
  •  Consultant for the Preparation of the German Contribution to the LFF at Volvendo (February 2021 - June 2022)
  •  Director of a Collection Related to Public Management at Publishing House (2004 - 2024) - ongoing
  •  Team Leader and Senior Communication Strategy Expert at GOPA Com & B&S Europe (March 2020 - October 2020)
  •  Communication Expert at IBF (April 2019 - June 2019)
  •  Team Leader and Senior Communication Strategy Expert at PROMAN (September 2017 - October 2018)
  •  Communication Expert at PROMAN (September 2018 - October 2018)
  •  Communication and Events Management Expert at GFA (April 2018 - May 2018)
  •  Team Leader and Public Relations and Image Building Expert at NIRAS/IP (September 2017 - May 2018)
  •  Senior Institutional Communication Expert at CCM (August 2017 - September 2017)
  •  Senior Training Expert and Expert in Environmental Communication at Eptisa (July 2017 - August 2027)
  •  Team Leader and Senior Communication Expert at Danish Management (May 2017 - December 2014)
  •  Expert in Institutional Communication at AECOM (October 2016)
  •  Senior ETVET Communication Expert at IBF (May 2016 - March 2016)
  •  Team Leader/Head of Mission and Senior Communication Expert at GOPA (July 2016 - September 2015)
  •  Senior Communication Expert at PROMAN (March 2016 - September 2015)
  •  Team Leader and Senior Communication Expert at NTU (June 2015 - January 2015)
  •  Senior Communication Expert at Louis Berger (June 2015 - October 2015)
  •  Team Leader and Senior Communication Expert at Particip GmbH (February 2013 - January 2015)
  •  Senior Communication Expert at STEM-VCR (May 2014 - October 2014)
  •  Founder and Director of Le Safir Francophone (January 2017 - March 2014)
  •  Senior Advocacy Expert and Crisis Communication Expert at MWH (October 2013 - November 2013)
  •  Senior Communication Expert at GOPA (on behalf of KFW) (September 5, 2013 - October 8, 2013)
  •  Senior Communication Expert at Louis Berger (UK) Ltd (October 2012 - December 2014)
  •  Senior Public Relations Expert at Arab Scientific Publishers Group (February 2012 - June 2012 / July 2009)
  •  International Communication Expert at SOFRECO, Programme of Assistance to the Diversification of the Economy in Algeria (DIVECO) (November 2011 / June 2011 - July 2011)
  •  Team Leader of a Communication Unit at Support Programme to Small and Medium Enterprises (August 2011 - November 2011)
  •  International Communication Expert at SOFRECO, Secondary Education Support Programme (May 2011 / October 2010 - January 2011)
  •  International Communication Expert at SOFRECO, Programme of Assistance to the Management of the Economy in Algeria (AMECO) (March 2011)
  •  General Coordinator of Beirut World Book Capital at Ministry of Culture – UNESCO (November 2008 - August 2010)
  •  International Communication Expert at White Young Green International, Socio-economic Development Programme for North-East Algeria (May 2008 / July 2008 / September 2008)
  •  International Communication Expert at ICON (October 2007 - January 2008)
  •  International Communication Expert at Municipal Administration Modernisation (Series of missions from July 2005 to January 2007)
  •  International Communication Expert at ARCADIS, Institutional and Sector Modernisation Facility (Series of missions from January 23, 2004 to July 2005)
  •  Advisor to the Minister of Economy and Trade Mr. Adnan Kassar at the Ministry of Economy and Trade (November 2004 - April 2005)
  •  Trainer at the Lebanese Management Association / ESCWA (June 2005 / August 22 - September 2, 2005)
  •  Advisor to the President of the Social and Economic Council Mr. Roger Nasnas at the Social and Economic Council (July 2003 - 2008)
  •  Project Communication and Project Management Consultant at the State University of New York – Albany (A Project Financed by USAID) (May 2003 - September 2003 / February 2006 - March 2006)
  •  Advisor to the Minister of State for Administrative Reform (OMSAR), H.E. Mr. Fouad El Saad at the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform (December 2000 - April 2003)
  •  Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Higher Education, National Education, Youth and Sports, Technical and Professional Education, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Youssef Beydoun at the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Technical and Professional Education (December 1998 - December 2000)
  •  Advisor to the Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, H.E. Mr. Jean Obeid at the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports (1997 - 1998)
  •  Advisor to the Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, H.E. Mr. Robert Ghanem at the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports (April 1996 - December 1996)
  •  Advisor to the President of the National Center for Educational Research and Development, Professor Mounir Abou Assali at the National Center for Educational Research and Development (May 1996 - December 2000)
  •  Member of the Jury of the International Festival for Environmental Films (1998)
  •  Member of the National Commission at UNESCO (August 1998 - August 2000)
  •  Author and Researcher at L’Harmattan (Paris) (1993 - 1997)

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 

Publications related to Governance, Public Management, and Civil Society:

  •  2011: Beirut World Book Capital, An Outstanding Cultural Year: 567 Projects and 1200 Activities, the Largest Mobilization of Civil Society Cultural and Educational Institutions in the History of Modern Lebanon(2010, p.1000). The Encyclopaedia was launched under the patronage of Prime Minister Mr. Selim El Hoss and received written congratulations from former Prime Minister Mr. Saad Hariri.
  •  2007: About Presidents and the Exercise of Presidential Functions: Analytical Encyclopaedia (Beirut: [liR], p.752). 

   - Part I: History of Presidential Mandates in Lebanon

   - Part II: Evaluation of the Performance of the Presidents of the Republic and Their Implications for Public Management

   - Part III: Lessons of the Past: Towards a Presidential Science?

   - Part IV: Towards a New Concept of the Exercise of Presidential Functions: A Reference Book for Future Presidents

 The book was presented by four presidential candidates.

  •  2005: Management of the Ministerial Portfolio: Manual for Ministers (Beirut: LiR, p.96). 

   The book was presented by the Minister of Administrative Reform, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Economy and Trade, members of Parliament, the EU Delegate in Lebanon, and previous ministers. It received written congratulations from Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati, who considered the book "essential for every minister," as well as written congratulations from former Prime Minister Mr. Saad Hariri, who deemed the manual "well documented and useful for the management of the State."

  •  2005: The Adventurers of Public Management* (Beirut: LiR, p.220). 

   The book was presented by four Ministers of Administrative Reform and representatives from the five main donors in Lebanon (World Bank, European Union, United Nations, USAID, and Friedrich Ebert). A seminar organized by the Council for Development and Reconstruction discussed the book, and I received an Honorary Award from the Lebanese Management Association (LMA) during a discussion organized by LMA.

  •  2004: Thinking about the State(Paris: L’Harmattan, p.208). The book was presented by four members of Parliament.
  •  2002: Catalogue of the Studies and Projects Related to the Public Sector (Beirut: Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform, p.400). The catalogue was officially adopted by former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri through circular no 24/2002.
  •  2002: Co-author of the Guide for Re-considering the Size and Functions of Organizational Structures (Beirut: Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform, p.24). The guide was officially adopted by former Prime Minister Mr. Rafic Hariri through circular no 24/2001.

Case Studies Related to the Management of the Public Sector:

  •  2011: The General Directorate of Culture: A Case Study about Corruption in the Lebanese Administration and Means for Fighting It (Beirut: [liR], p.512). 

The case study was presented with the participation of the head of the Parliamentary Commission for Administration and Justice, the head of the Parliamentary Commission for Finance and Budget, a university dean, university professors, and an official representative of Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati. Lobbying with the press and a communication campaign accompanied the launch of the case study. The data and information revealed were adopted by the Attorney-General in the Court of Audit via Decision no 57/2985 dated 4/5/2011. The case study also received written congratulations from Prime Minister Mr. Saad Hariri.

  •  2018: Misuse of Aids by Egyptian Public Institutions: Case Study of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Socio-Political Novels Published:

  •  1997: Damned Men from the Sacred Land(Paris: L’Harmattan, p.223). A socio-political novel about Palestine.
  •  1995: Why Is Iraq Crying?(Paris: L’Harmattan, p.220). A socio-political novel about Iraq, with research conducted in Iraq. The novel was featured in a signature session at the National Assembly in France.
  •  1994: The Sadness of Arabia Felix (Paris: L’Harmattan, p.156). A socio-political novel about Yemen, with research conducted in Yemen. The novel was featured in a signature session at the French Senate.
  •  1993: Under the Vines of the Druze Region (Paris: L’Harmattan, p.96)
Major achievements: 
  • Leila Barakat has been honored by the French Senate and the French National Assemble for her books.
  • Four consecutive Prime ministers (Mr. Rafic Hariri, Mr. Najib Mikati, Mr. Saad Hariri and Mr. Selim El Hoss) either adopted officially the most important recommendations of Leila Barakat’s books related to Governance and Public Management or made written congratulations about them or launched them under their patronage.
  •  Selected by L’Express Magazine between the 100 persons who move Lebanon (Les 100 qui font bouger le Liban). Special issue on Lebanon. March 2001, Issue no  2592.
  •  Mentioned by the anthology of Radwa Ashour, Arab Women Writers : a critical reference guide, 1873-1999, Cairo, Egypt : American University in Cairo Press, 2008.  
  •  Mentioned by the anthology of Imad Chahin, “Pioneer Women from the Arab World”, Beirut, 2010.
  •  Main subject of a book written by the lawyer Antoine Moawad titled Revolution and civilization between myth and reality : Leila Barakat, pioneer of a  revolution against corruption, Athena: Su-press, May 2012. 
  •  Selected as pioneer by the website « Arab Leadership Foundation » (, 2012. 
  •  Mentioned by Larousse Dictionary, « Dictionnaire mondial des littératures », (Director of publication : Isabelle Jeuge-Maynart), Paris: Hachette, 2013. 
  •  Selected by “Media Supporting Women Leaders”, an American funded project launched by “Women in Front” and SMART Centre as one of the 150 names of Lebanese Women Leaders and experts in different fields, June 2013.       
  •  Many university papers, masters and academic works about Leila Barakat’s books (« The Myth of the City in Why is Iraq crying? written by Leila Barakat », etc.)



  • D. E. A. of Comparative Literature from the Sorbonne Nouvelle.
  • Teaching Diploma from the American University of Beirut. 


Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Comparative Literature
  • International Communication
  • Management
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English