Leila Amad Bissat
Field(s) of expertise: 
Cultural Events
Social Sciences
Social work
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Leila Amad Bissat
Former owner and Manager of a Bookshop, Arche de Noé

Contact information (Private)

+961 3 656366

Contact information (Work)

Arch de Noe

Community/Lebanon Impact

After a long stay out of Lebanon , because of the raging civil war , she came back to my country with herfamily , and decided to participate in the reconstruction project.She lived in Europe for some time , and it opened her eyes and mind to all developments happening on the cultural & educational scene.Her two children were young then , and with them she explored those fields.Back home, her contribution was to establish a children’s bookstore, the Arche de Noé , and educational center where youngsters can come, read and participate in activities that are eye openers to the world.I organized exihibits around to pics such as environment , history, art, science specially catered for kids, enhancing them to look at their country with new vision and belonging the Bookshop’s work lasted for 18 years , and is still. She missed around on many levels specially in the realm of Arabic books for children , among others.

All aimed at teaching principles of respect, diversity, and loyalty to the country and society, stemming from the attempt to start with the young to reach the elders and avoid another crisis in the country. The bookstore operated for 18 years and still holds significant positive memories, leaving a lasting impact on everyone's hearts despite its closure in 2014.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Manager and owner, 1993 - present, Arche de Noe bookstore (Beirut).

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Bissat, L. (2007). Of Symbols and stones: Memoirs of a traveler. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar.
  • Bissat Amad Leila. (2017) Of Whispers and Winds= Memorabilia of a Traveller.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • Participating in Beirut World Book Capital in 2010: book exhibit, book signing, and conferences.
  • Beirut Between Past, Present, and Future: Rememberance of Old Beirut, exhibition about Beirut during the war and during the reconstruction phase, Biel during the annual event of Lire en francais (yearly exhibit of French books), 2002.
  • When Women Write, major book exhibition by women writers & book signing of their works, Arche de Noe, 1999.
  • A Green Planet, exhibition introducing for the first time the concept of environment preservation, organized under the auspices of the Town Hall of Paris, Beirut, 1994.
  • Participating in Jerusalem Culture Capital in 2010: Paitings exhibit by Palestinian artists Abdul Hay Musallam, book exhibit on Palestine, and conferences.
  • Participation in many panels and juries concerning children’s literature: Assabil, Ministry of culture, French Children’s Book fair in Montreuil France.


  • Winner of the first prize for window display at the competition organized by the Town Hall of Paris for bookstores in Lebanon, 2003.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Books and Educational Activities for Children
  • Cultural Activities
  • Philanthropy
  • Social Work
  • Story Telling for Children
  • Writing
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English
  • German