Mount Lebanon
Associated organisations: 
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Decent Work and Economic Growth

Personal information

Joelle Abou Farhat
President of Fifty Fifty, Communication and Branding Expert

Contact information (Private)

+961 4 521096
+961 3 322180

Contact information (Work)

JO Branding Advertising & JO Relocation Services
+961 4 521096
+961 71 422699

Community/Lebanon Impact

Joelle is a Communication and Branding Expert @JoBrandingad, working with individuals on growing their potential to reach their goals and achieve their dreams.

Joelle is also the co-founder and president of Fifty Fifty , a Lebanese NGO involving women and men, aiming at promoting gender equality in public and private sectors , focusing mainly on political decision-making positions.  Joelle also contributed to the development of 2 policy papers to include a female quota in the parliament and municipal councils. Both proposals are being discussed in parliamentary commissions and among political parties.

As a journalist with a master's degree in “Journalism and Press Agencies”, Joelle designed and created the 1st TV political talk show to highlight women in politics entitled “Fifty Fifty in Politics” that was a successful tool in changing the mindset of the Lebanese public towards voting for women.

Social Media


  • Bachelor Degree, Journalism and Press Agencies, 1986-1990, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Master's degree in journalism & press agencies, Lebanese University

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • President of Fifty Fifty, 2024-present
  • Managing Director, 2010 - present, JO Branding Advertising.
  • Project manager and consultant for projects on Women political empowerment.
  • Trainer at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 2011 - 2013.
  • Client Servicing Manager, 2007-2009, MetaformX Branding & Communication.
  • Sales and Marketing Manager, 2001-2005, Mikana Food Service Management.
  • Account Director, 1990-1995, Rizk Advertising.


  • Joelle has received the “Evelyne Bustros” award for her work on empowering women in politics. 

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Branding
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Relocation Services
  • Training
  • Management
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English
  • Portuguese