Associated organisations: 
Alumni association of the American University of Beirut
Field(s) of expertise: 
Cultural Events
Electoral Quota
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Hind al Soufi
Art Critic, Professor, Researcher, Visual Artist

Contact information (Work)

961 6 612621
961 3 671600

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Lecturer, 1997 - 2005, Faculty of Architecture, Arts & Design, Notre Dame University.
  • Lecturer, 1994 - 2003, Faculty of Arts, Balamand University.
  • Lecturer, 1997 - 2001, Faculty of Education, Lebanese University.
  • Lecturer, 1999 - 2001, Holy Spirit University.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 

Selected Gender Studies 

  • Tripoli and cohabitation, “Women and the city: 100 years of silent militantism”, Azm Ed, Tripoli, 2010.  
  • The Impact of the economic crisis on women, UNFPA, Beirut 2010.
  • Research study: “The UN Values and Concepts in the CNRS Civic Education Books”, school books review and evaluation, Unesco, Beirut, 2001.
  • “Quota 2, Conference papers, ” A study of quota among youth”, Lebanese Council for Women, Beirut, 2002.
  • “Quota for Women”, Lebanese Council for Women, Beirut, 1999.
  • “My Lady, Take a Seat”,  IWSAW/LAU, Beirut, 2003.

Collective Books: Art

  • Arab uprisings: New perspectives,” The Islamic Pieta and the Western Media approach to the Arab Upraising”, Bahithat, Bk 16, Beirut, 2013-2014.
  • The third age, “ Elderly in the fine arts: A Gender perspective”, U.L Publications, Beirut, 2013.
  • Women and Finance, “The Symbolic of jewels in painting”, Bahithat 13, Beirut,  2009.
  • Soufi, H. (2008, April). Tamathoulat al-Jens finnas atashkili [Representation of sexuality in visual texts]. Majallat al'amara walfan [Journal of Art and Architecture], 2.
  • Soufi, H. (2008). Arriyada bil'arabiya: Qira'a fi fan al-houroufiya [Leadership in Arabic: Reading in the art of calligraphy]. In M. Chahine, F. Ben Omar & H. Soufi, Bayn al-mansous walmabsour [Between the written and the seen], pp. 159 - 260. Sharjah: Dar athaqafa wal I'lam.


  • Soufi, H. (2008). From Hurufia to Post Hurufia, (Under Editing).
  • Soufi, H. (2008). Movements in Art (Western and Arab World),1500- 2015.
  • Hind Al Soufi & Fateh Ben Amer (2008). Re- Reading Hurufia, Department of Culture, Sharjah.
  • Soufi, H. (2008). Al mar`a wal'amal al'am [Women and labor]. Tripoli: Ara` Cultural Association.
  • Soufi, H. (2006). Ayqounat athoukoura bayna athabat wattahawoulat [The icon of masculinity between stability and transformations]. In A. Al-Amin, C. Boustany, M. Chaoul, & H. Soufi, Tafkik mafhoum athoukoura al-mouhaymina: Arroujoula waloubouwwa al-yawm [Dismantling the prevailing concept of masculity: Masculinity and Fatherhood nowadays]. Beirut: Association of Lebanese Women Researchers.
  • Soufi, H. (2002). Al kota filawsat ashababiya [Quota among the youth]. Beirut: Lebanese Council of Women.
  • Soufi, H. (2001). Al-ma'loumat al-mouta'alliqa bilma'aref 'an alumam almuttahida fi koutob attarbiya al-wataniya wattanish`a al-madaniyya [Information on the knowledge of the United Nations in the books of national education and civic education]. Unpublished study for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
  • Soufi, H. (1999). Dawr al-hay`at annisa`iya ghayr al-houkoumiya fi rasm assiyasat al-'amma. Unpublished paper presented at the conference organized by the Foundation for International Training, Mariot Hotel, Beirut, 15 - 16 July.
Major achievements: 
  • Author of two film scenarios: Documentary on Youth Participation in the Elections (2007) & Documentary on women participation in Decision Making (1999).
  • Author of more than 1000 articles and newspaper columns in the art critique genre, 1986 - present.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • 961 Entrepreneurs, Palais des Congres, Paris, Sept 10, 2015.
  • Bangladesh Asian Biennale, September/October, 2014,  2012, 2010.
  • Algeria Capital of Culture, 2008.
  • International Biennale of Teheran, 2009, 2007. 2005.
  • Arab Annual Exhibition,  National Library, Damascus, 2004.
  • For a Fairer world, Oxfam, London, 2000.
  • Lattakia Biennale, People Gallery, 1996.


  • Honors From Tripoli Municipality for Founding Al Fayhaa Choir, 2003.
  • Creativity Award, Minister of Culture, Nov 2013
  • Art Critic Competition Award (Sharjah, UAE), 2007.
  • Best Assemblage for a Tree Form Competition, 2003.



Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Arts Sciences
  • Gender
  • Economics
  • Activism
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English