Elisabeth Zakharia Sioufi
Legal Advisor
Field(s) of expertise: 
Corporate Law
Human Rights Law
International Criminal Law
International Law
Areas of Impact: 
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Personal information

Elisabeth Zakharia Sioufi

Contact information (Work)

+961 3 566357

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Lawyer, 1980 – Present, Beirut Bar Association.
  • Director of the Institute for Human Rights of the Beirut Bar Association.
  • Consultant – Ministry of Human Rights Affairs (2017-2018).
  • Consultant – Defence Office of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
  • Lecturer at the Faculty of religious sciences – Saint Joseph University.
  • Trainer on human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law.

Major Achievements

Productions and works: 

  • Co-Author of three manuals on trafficking in persons (2014 and 2021).
  • Co-Author of a manual on Children in contact with the law (2021).
  • Participated in the elaboration of the Charter of Fundamental Principles on Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence proclaimed by the UIA Women's Committee on 8 March 2022 in Paris.
  • Wrote with LexisNexis a white paper published in French on violence against women, "Les femmes dans le monde - Violences particulières, droit spécifique" (2022).
  • Wrote articles highlighting human rights issues such as organ donation and human rights, role of professional associations in promoting human rights.
  • Participated as a speaker in workshops, seminars, conferences in Lebanon and abroad.
  • Training on human rights in places of detention, access to justice for victims of trafficking and other violations of human rights, proceedings before international criminal courts, prevention of torture. 


Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Wrote articles highlighting human rights issues such as organ donation and human rights, role of professional associations in promoting human rights.
  • Wrote with LexisNexis a white paper published in French on violence against women, "Les femmes dans le monde - Violences particulières, droit spécifique" (2022).
Major achievements: 
  • Active member in several national steering committees working on prevention of torture, child protection, migrant workers, combating trafficking in persons, unregistered children, preventing violent extremism.
  • Training on human rights in places of detention, access to justice for victims of trafficking and other violations of human rights, proceedings before international criminal courts, prevention of torture. 
  • Participated as speaker in workshops, seminars, roundtables, conferences in Lebanon and abroad.
  • Participated in the elaboration of the Charter of Fundamental Principles on Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence proclaimed by the UIA Women's Committee on 8 March 2022 in Paris.


  • U.S. Department of State Award for Combating Human Trafficking - 2014.
  • Gold Medal from the Beirut Bar Association - 2018.
  • Gold Medal from the International Association of Lawyers (Union Internationale des Avocats - UIA), 2021.
  • Awarded the title of Trainer by the Internal Security Forces - Lebanon.






Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Corporate Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • International Law
  • International Criminal Law
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English