Angela Elzir Assy
Personal information
Angela Elzir Assy
Labor Market Specialist
Contact information (Private)
Contact information (Work)
Community/Lebanon Impact
Elzir is a senior labor market specialist working at the World Bank since 2010, out of which 2 years in Washington DC and the rest based in Lebanon. She lead a range of analytical and operational projects, influencing policy reforms and government programs related to employment.
Social Media
- BA in Economics, American University of Beirut.
- MA in Development Studies, SOAS London.
Work history
Previous Professions:
- Junior Professional Associate, The world Bank (Washington D.C).
Major Achievements
Major achievements:
- She led various publication or contributed significantly to others, such as:
- Lebanon interim damage and loss assessment (
- Childcare in Lebanon (
- Status of Women in Lebanon (
- Why aren't more Lebanese women working (
- Integration: A New Approach to Youth Employment Programs (
- Jobs for North Lebanon (
- She graduated both BA and MA with distinctions.
Competences & Skills
Field(s) of Expertise:
- Labor market.
- Employment (women, poor, youth, etc).
- Digital skills for employment.
- Active labor market policies.
- Economic inclusion.
- Arabic
- English
- French