Amal Michel Habib
Associated organisations: 
National Council for Scientific Research
Research Center
Associate Professor
International Communication Expert
Field(s) of expertise: 
Information Science in Development
Sustainable Development
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Amal Michel Habib
Science Advisor (former), Associate Professor (former); Researcher

Contact information (Private)

+961 1 313160
+961 3 437795

Contact information (Work)

Lebanese Association of Women Researches (Bahithat)
+961 1739726

Community/Lebanon Impact

Building Cultural heritage through creating scientific and environmental national databases.

Scientific research represents a sustainable human capital in the development process and a national heritage to be preserved and transmitted to future generations. It is evaluated through research publications in articles and worldwide science journals which become bibliometric indicators to rank the position of the country on the science map. Thus building bibliometric databases becomes essential not only as an evaluation tool for quality research outputs but also to trace, monitor and save the scientific & research human capital in its contribution to the development on national and international levels. In this respect, after the end of the civil war in 1990, and as Director of the information Centre of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS), and even when automation of information and data was still starting, a pioneer project of building a national database of research project and scientific production has been implemented, automated and put on-line on CNRS computer, even though Internet and social media were not yet available. It was the first attempt of saving and automating such national data collected on researchers, research projects and scientific publications in Lebanon, a project implemented in collaboration with UNDP and extended to international information networks through the participation to the information systems of UNITED NATIONS. Similar pioneer project implemented for Lebanon was the automation of the HERBARIUM, an inventory of national plants and flowers collected and classified by Dr Georges and Henriette Tohme who are scientific high level researchers. A database has been built with all data automated and put on line in efforts to preserve them and to make them available for the scientific community as a national environmental heritage.


Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Freelance Researcher (present- )
  • Science Advisor for Research in Human and Social Sciences, 2006-2016, National Council for Scientific Research.
  • Member of the editorial committee, 2014-2016, The Lebanese Science Journal for the human and social sciences of the National Council for Scientific Research.
  • Consultant (Human and Social Sustainable Development), 2008-present.
  • Associate Professor (Faculty of Information and Documentation), 1980-2012, Lebanese University.
  • National Representative of the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Lebanon, 1996-2010, National Council for Scientific Research.
  • National representative and focal point in Lebanon of the Agricultural Information Systems (AGRIS) and the Current Agricultural Research
  • Information System (Caris) affiliated to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 1983-2006.
  • Founder and Head of the Scientific Information Centre, 1980-2006, National Council for Scientific Research.
  • Consultant (Agricultural Information Sciences and Systems), 1987-1989.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Habib, Amal (2024). انفجار مرفأ بيروت 4 آب 2020: رسالة من العدم [Port Beirut Explosion on August 4th 2020: A Message from Nowhere]. In: Lebanese Association of Women Researchers (Bahithat) النساء والمرجعيات في ظل الرقمنة وفوضى المعلومات {Women and information in times of war}. Bahithat Book 19.
  • Habib, Amal. (2022) مشهدية طفولة في زمن الحروب (A Childhood scene in times of war}. In: Lebanese Association of Women Researchers والنزاعات طفلات عربيات في أتون الحروب [Arab Girls in the Midst of Wars and Conflicts]. Bahithat Book Volume XVIII 2021-2022. Pp 427-433.
  • Habib, Amal. (2017) . “Temps et durabilité: historicité, paradigme, obstacles". In: [Time: Testimonies and Paths of inquiry]. Bahithat Book 17. ISBN: 978-9953-0-3947-3. Pp. 288-312.
  • Habib, A., Abboud, H., El-Sayyid, R. and Grami, A. (Eds). (2014). Players of the Arab revolutions: Innovative forms and expressions (Volume 16). Beirut: The Lebanese Association of Women Researchers.
  • Habib, A. and Chaaban, A. (2014). Climate change in Lebanon. Report submitted to the Arab League in Tunisia and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Habib, A. (2012). Demography and socio-economic characteristics of the Lebanese coastal population. In H. Kouyoumjian, M. Hamze (Eds.), Review and perspectives of environmental studies in Lebanon. (pp.265-300). Beirut: The National Council for Scientific Research.
  • Habib, A. (2012). National study on the socio-economic aspects in Lebanon: overview of the environment of the Lebanese coast occupation (fishery, agriculture, industry, tourism), income, poverty, consumption, human development index. a project funded by the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), the National Council for Scientific Research and International Relief and Development (IRD).
  • Habib, A. (2010). Les pratiques culturelles des jeunes, outils de développment durable. In M. Stephan Hachem, A. Charara Baydoun, N. Saba Yared, W. Hamadi (Eds.),Cultural practices of Arab Youth Vol. XIV . (pp. 259-309). Beirut: Lebanese Association of Women Researchers.
  • Habib, A. & Baltz, C. (2008, February). Quelles informations pour piloter le développement durable? [what information for monitoring sustainable development?].Documentaliste - Science de l'information, (1), 4-13.
  • Habib, A. (2007). Thematic assessment on United Nations framework convention on climate change, national capacity self-assessment for global environmental management (NCSA) [Review of the national report] (report submitted to the Ministry of Environment).
  • Habib, A. et al. (2005). Répertoire des projets de recherches subventionnés 2002-2004 et des publications issues. Série Monographique du Conseil National de Recherche Scientifiques [Monographic series], 3, 241.
  • Habib, A. (Ed.) (2002). Numéro Spécial Francophonie. Bulletin d'information du Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique (Information bulletin of the National Council for Scientific Research), 99, 1-16
  • Habib, A. (Ed.). (2000). Lebanese Science Journal, 1,(1).
  • Habib, Amal et al.(1999) ; CNRS. Répertoire des projets de recherches subventionnés pour 1998. CNRS,. 120 p.
  • Habib, Ama 1993. Répertoire des projets sur les recherches agronomiques en cours au Liban durant 1991-1992. CNRS. (On CD-ROM ).
  • Habib, A. (1997, May). L'information et la documentation en environnement au Liban [environmental information and documentation in Lebanon]. Majallat Al-Bahs Al-Ilmiy(Magazine of Scientific Research), 55-61.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • Membre of the “Group Pillar 5 – Gender Equality and Empowering Women” for the elaboration of a national action plan in the framework of the National Consultation on Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), 4th National Workshop, that took place on 9-10 May 2019.
  • Membre of the organizing committee and moderator in the seminar : “ Experiences of women in the cities in conflict” , Lebanese University ( Filière francophone de droit), 14-15 May 2018. Organised by the Euro-Mediterranean University and Science Network on women and Gender (RUSEMEG) in collaboration with BAHITHAT Association.
  • Membre of the Organizing Committee and Head of Session. Seminar “Assets of Arab Women: Reading in the Moroccan Experience and Possible Choices for Lebanon”. American University of Beirut, 23-24 Novembre 2017, organized in collaboration with BAHITHAT Association, ASFARI Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship at American University in Beirut , and ESCWA Centre for WOMEN (ECW).
  • Speaker on “ Lebanon Experience in promoting the role of women in society towards changing the women stereotype in media”. Seminar on promoting the role of women in Arab media, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, 4-5 October 2017 , organized by the Supreme Council for Women in Bahrein
  • Rapporteur: International Consultation on “Ethics of the Scientific Research and Technology applications in the Arab region “ , Bristol Hotel (Beirut), 11-12 July 2017 under the sponsorship of the National Council for Scientific Research, Lebanese National Council for UNESCO, UNESCO, ESCWA, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology – Egypt
  • Rapporteur: International Conference on Youth and Information and Communication Technologies: Preventing Violent Extremism in Cyberspace, Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (Beirut – Lebanon, 17-19 May 2017).
  • Membre of Celebration Committee of UNESCO 70th anniversary. Ministry of Culture and Lebanese National Commission of UNESCO. UNESCO Palace (Beirut – Lebanon), 11 Decembre 2015.
  • Commissioner at the National Commission for UNESCO and the National Council for Scientific Research in the meeting representing the national bodies for scientific research in the Arab countries with the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALESCO), Morocco, Rabat, September, 22-23, 2014.
  • Member of the national delegation to the UNESCO general conference, France, Paris, November, 10-17, 2013.
  • Speaker, Aspects humains, socio-ecnomiques et indicateurs pour un developpement territorial durable au Liban [human aspects, socio-economic and indicators for a sustainable territorial development in Lebanon]. a paper presented at the Secondes Journees Franco-Libanaises, ULCO, France, Dunkerque, October, 22-25, 2013.
  • Speaker, Human and Socio-economic aspects for an integrated coastal management in the Mediterranean Countries. Paper presented at the INCAM final regional conference on "Endorsing ICZM principles and environmental objectives in the Mediterranean region", Turkey, Izmir, May 15-18, 2013.
  • Speaker, training on the "Socio-economic Aspects in Lebanon: Overview of the Environment of the Lebanese Coast Occupation (fishery, agriculture, industry, tourism), Income, Poverty, Consumption, Human Development Index in Improving National Assessment and Monitoring Capacities for Integrated Environment and Coastal Ecosystem Management", organized by the National Council for Scientific Research, January 2012.
  • Organizer, capacity building workshop entitled "Recherche, Rédaction et Publication en Ligne" [research, writing and publishing online], organized by Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and the National Council for Scientific Research, 2009.
  • Chair, seminar on the "State of the Art of the Human and Social Sciences Research in Lebanon", organized by the UNESCO and the National Council for Scientific Research, July 2008.
  • Organizer, capacity building workshop entitled "Conception Standardisée d'Objets Pédagogiques Interopérables", organized by Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Saint Joseph University and the National Council for Scientific Research, 2007.


Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Sustainable Development
  • Information Science
  • Research in Human and Social Sciences
  • Indicators in Science and Technology
  • Gender
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English