Youmna Zein Hayek
Alumni association of the American University of Beirut
Law Firm
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Personal information

Youmna Zein Hayek
Lawyer, University Lecturer

Contact information (Private)

+961 1 111 211

Contact information (Work)

Zein Law Firm
961 1 336060
288 377 3 961

Community/Lebanon Impact

Nayla Comair Obeid’s personal commitment to Lebanon has been deeply rooted in advancing knowledge and education, which she views as the pillars of the country’s future. After earning her PhD in France, she returned to Lebanon with a strong resolve to apply her expertise to inspire her law students and demonstrate the potential of Lebanon’s resources and opportunities. Her efforts include contributing to the establishment of a new LLM in Business Law at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut, designed to meet the high standards of similar programs in Europe and the US. Additionally, on a personal level, she is devoted to raising her two children with a strong sense of love and connection to their Lebanese heritage.


  • Doctorate degree (with high distinction), Law, 1997, University of Paris 2 - Assas, France.
  • Post-Master’s diploma (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies), Law, 1992, University of Paris 2 - Assas, France.
  • Master’s degree, Private law, 1991, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Saint-Joseph University, Lebanon.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Lawyer (Member of the Beirut Bar Association) and Senior Partner, 1996 - present, Zein Law Firm.
  • Lawyer (Member of the Beirut Bar Association), trainee, 1993-1996, Zein Law Firm.
  • Professor – Coordinator of the LLM in Business Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Professor - Banking Law (Master’s), 2003 - present, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Professor – LLM in Business Law, 2014 - present, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Professor – Master’s, 2011 - present, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Saint-Joseph University.
  • Member of the Board of Directors, 2010 - 2013, The Near East Commercial Bank SAL (NECB).
  • Visiting Professor, 2005, University of Paris 2 - Assas.
  • Lecturer - Banking Law (Master’s), 1999-2007, Commercial and Financial Operations (Post-Master’s), 2003 - 2015 "Filière Francophone De Droit" (French section) - Lebanese University.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Zein Hayek, Y. (2013), « Le compte joint : ange ou démon ? Regards sur le compte joint en droit libanais », [The joint account : angel or devil ? A study on the joint account in the Lebanese law]. Al-Adl, 1, 93.
  • Zein Hayek, Y. & Cabrillac, S. (2009). La réception du droit français par le droit libanais des contrats [The reception of French law by the Lebanese contracts law]. In S. Bros & B. Mallet-Bricout (Eds.), Liber amicorum, Christian Larroumet. France: Economica
  • Zein, Y. & Cabrillac, S. (2007). L’acculturation en droit des affaires libanais : Le cas du droit des contrats [Acculturation in the Lebanese business Law: The case of contract laws]. Canada: Editions Thémis
  • Zein, Y. (2005). Le secret bancaire au Liban face à la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux [Banking secrecy in Lebanon facing the fight against money laundering]. Revue de Droit Bancaire et Financier, 4, 46 - 52
  • Zein, Y. (2004). Le secret bancaire au Liban [Bank secrecy in Lebanon]. Bulletin Mensuel de l’Association des Banques du Liban & Juriste International, Revue de l’UIA , 3, 53
  • Zein, Y. (1999, July). Les Pools bancaires [Syndicated loans]. Bulletin Mensuel de l’Association des Banques du Liban
  • Zein, Y. (1998). Les Pools bancaires - Aspects juridiques [The legal aspects of syndicated loans]. Paris: Economica
  • Zein, Y. (1997). La nature juridique des pools bancaires [The legal nature of the syndicated loans]. Ph.D. thesis, University of Paris 2 - Assas. France



Awards and Distinctions Received for her PhD Thesis on the "Syndicated Loans":

  •  Selected by the jury of Prix du Cercle Montesquieu - France, 2000;
  •  Obtained the award of “Association Droit et Commerce” - France for best thesis (the first non-French to receive this award), 1999;
  •  Selected by the European Society for Banking and Financial Law (AEDBF) in the contest of the best studies in the field of banking, 1999.
  •  High distinction obtained from the University of Paris 2 – Assas (France), in the contest for best thesis of the year, 1998.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Syndicated loans
  • Banking law
  • Corporate law
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English