Sonia Ibrahim Atiyah
Associated organisations: 
Law Firm
Field(s) of expertise: 
Human Rights
Areas of Impact: 
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Personal information

Sonia Ibrahim Atiyah
Attorney at Law

Contact information (Private)

+961 1 034 423 & +961 1 342 398
+961 3 767611

Contact information (Work)

Zaghloul Atiyah & Sonia Ibrahim Law Firm
+961 1 422 301 &+961 1 034 423 1 961
+961 3 611 767

Community/Lebanon Impact

At the age of eleven, she campaigned for equality between boys and girls in school.

At fifteen, she published her first article in Al-Sayyad, defending women’s rights and advocating for women’s participation in government.

Her writings, lectures, and work with NGOs have focused on ensuring family protection and promoting peace, justice, and better representation in Parliament.

To achieve these goals, she proposed new legislation, was active in the National Bloc Party, and founded “The Social Peace Movement.” This movement aims to balance a free economic system that preserves the right to ownership and capital with the just compensation of workers.


  • Master's degree, law, 1963, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Undergraduate studies (Sophomore), Economics, 1956, Beirut University College (currenly the Lebanese American University), Lebanon.
  • High School Diploma, 1953, Evangelical High School of Zahleh, Lebanon.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Attorney at Law, 1965 - present, Zaghloul Atiyah & Sonia Ibrahim Law Firm.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Atiyah, S. (2005). Proposed procedures to fight discrimination against women in marriage and inheritance. Al-Raida, XXIII , 111-112, 27-30.
Major achievements: 
  • Author of several articles and proposals on legal, economical , political and social issues, published in Lebanese magazines and newspapers.
  • Collaborated with other lawyers and judges members of the Advisory Board of the League of Lebanese Women's Rights which proposed amendments to provisions that are inconsistent with stipulations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), March 1999.
  • A proposal for enacting a new law on nationality providing for equality between men and women.
  • Published a book relating briefly my life under the title “ My Course in the Sanctuary of Justice”, 2015.
  • Founder and President of an NGO under the name “Social Peace Movement “ 2016 Authorization 24104 .
  • Article titled “ Taxes and Social Peace” (An-Nahar daily , 15 September 2017) proposing major amendments in the system of taxation .
  • Collaborated with other lawyers from the Beirut Bar Association to prepare Al-Wathiqa al-loubnaniya [the Lebanon document] to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, 1998.
  • Prepared, with a group of lawyers, a proposal for civil legislation in matters of personal Status.
  • Proposed to the Lebanese Cabinet, Members of Parliament, and Minister of Justice, five draft new laws that lead to the empowerment of women, with supporting arguments in 1998, 2004, and 2008.
  • Author of several papers presented at major conferences and events focusing on issues such as discrimination against women in laws, customs and practice (1983); amendments in laws that discriminate against women; and professional conduct (ethics) (1999).
  • Preparation and submittal of a study on the state of families in Lebanon upon the request of the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Prelates, 1984 published in a book sent to the Vatican and translated into 3 languages.
  • Author of many articles and lectures presented at conferences focusing on Political , Social and Economical subjects.
  • Open letter addressed to the Prime Minister Saad AL Hariri outlining the frame of work of the government, published in “Aljoumhouria” 30/07/2018. 
  • Proposed a progressive draft electoral law with supporting arguments, to the Lebanese Cabinet and Members of Parliament, 1994.
  • Author of a comparative study of the personal status laws of the different religious sects and statute of the family in Lebanon, 1982.


  • Honorary trophy (Beirut Bar Association), 2008.
  • Honorary trophy (Federation of Arab Lawyers), 2008.
  • Letter of recognition from the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Prelates- May 1982.
  • Trophy from the Antelias Cultural Movement , 2015.
  • Certificate of recognition (Federation of Arab Lawyers), 1993.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Commercial Law
  • Civil Law
  • Human Rights
  • Personal Status Laws
  • Women's Rights
  • Arabic
  • English
  • French