Mona Kamar Mourad
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Personal information

Mona Kamar Mourad

Contact information (Private)

+961 4 870314
+961 3 372314

Contact information (Work)

+961 4 870314


  • Master's degree, Social Sciences, 1967, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Lyon University, France.
  • Bachelor degree, Sociology, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • French Baccalaureate degree (part 2), Grand Lycée, Lebanon.
  • Certificate, English Literature, English Philology, & Practical Studies, 1972 – 1973, University of Algier.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Lecturer of: Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Sociology of health, Introduction to Anthropology of Health, Introduction to Sociology of Work and Introduction to Social Work, 1988 - 2010, Faculty of Medicine, Saint Joseph University.
  • Specialist in Women's Affairs, 1999 - 2004, Ministry of Social Affairs - Family Department, Lebanese Republic.
  • Lecturer in Sociology and Demography, 1995 – 2003, Institute of Physiotherapy, Saint-joseph University.
  • Lecturer in Politics of Health, 1994 – 1995, Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Holy Spirit University (Kaslik).
  • Lecturer in Sociology of Work, 1981 - 1993, Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Holy Spirit University (Kaslik).
  • Director, 1980 - 1998, Social Center of Development, Ministry of Social Affairs - Social Service Department, Lebanese Republic.
  • In charge of Public Relations and Information, 1975 - 1979, Training Social Center (Al-Hadath), Office of Social Development (currently Ministry of Social Affairs), Lebanese Republic.
  • Researcher, 1974, Educational Center for Research and Development.
  • Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1972 - 1973, Faculty of Social Sciences, Algiers University.
  • Researcher, 1967, Institute of Social Sciences, Lebanese University.
  • Supervisor, responsible for socio-economic research in rural areas, 1966 – 1970, Office of Social Development (currently Ministry of Social Affairs), Lebanese Republic.
  • Social worker, 1963 -1966, Office of Social Development (currently Ministry of Social Affairs), Lebanese Republic.


Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Kamar Mourad, M. (2010). The Lebanese woman's participation in the political life and its repercussion on the family. Kuwait: Kuwait University.
  • Kamar Mourad, M. (Spring, 2003). The Lebanese woman and the political power. Travaux et Jours, 71, 85 – 116.
  • Kamar Mourad, M., & Aouad, M. (2002). Lebanese women and political commitment: Prospect and reality. Beirut: Lebanese Council of Women, with the support of the European Union.
  • Kamar Mourad, M. (Spring, 1999). Arab women, higher education and development.Travaux et Jours, 63, 153 – 171.
Major achievements: 
  • Research on Lebanese women's participation in the political life (Publications of the Lebanese Council of Women).
  • Participating in the Arab Regional Seminar on "Institutionalization of Gender in the Arab World", Tunisia, 2003.
  • Participating in the Forum on “Arab Women and Politics” representing the“National Commission for Lebanese Women” [preparing and presenting Lebanon's word], Tunisia, 2001.
  • Participating in the project of training net at the service of development for the formation of women in the Mediterranean basin in the fields of sciences and biotechnology in Torino (Italy), co-organized by the ILO and UNESCO, 2000 & 2001.
  • Participating in the international 28th meeting of the International Council for Women [shedding light on the political situation in Lebanon], Ottawa (Canada), 1997.
  • Participating in the Fourth World Conference on Women [giving a talk during the forum], Beijing (China), 1995.
  • Preparing a study for the creation of a professional protected center for mentally handicapped persons in the children's city, with the Civil Association for the Safeguard of the Child in Lebanon (Acsauvel) and the support of the National Employment Office (Lebanese Republic) and World Vision, Dik el-Mehdi, 1987.
  • Research on "Mahr and Dot in the various religious communities in Lebanon”, Bordeaux International School in France, 1980.
  • Research on the “Civic Education in Secondary School Levels”, Educational Center for Research and Development, 1974.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • Arab women, higher education, and development, lecture given in 1998 in Paris at the UNESCO conference titled "Higher Education: Vision and Action".
Newspaper articles and columns: 
  • Kamar Mourad, M. (2000). Strategy for the access of the Lebanese woman to the political power. Al-Nahar Newspaper.
  • Mourad, M. (1989). Lettre ouverte à mesdames Bush, Gorbatchev, Mitterand, Kohl, et Thatcher [Open letter to ladies Bush, Gorbatchev, Mitterand, Kohl, and Thatcher to ask their help to realize the rights of Lebanese children to freedom, unity, independence, and sovereignty]. Revue du Liban, 1567, 48.


  • Certificate of appreciation from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Kuwait, 2010.
  • Letter of appreciation from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Saint-Joseph University, 2000.
  • Letter of appreciation from the International Union of Family Organizations, 1980.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Social Sciences (Sociology & Anthropology)
  • Education
  • Gender
  • Women and Politics
  • Women and Development
  • Civic Education
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English