Lina Ibrahim Alameddine
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Personal information

Lina Ibrahim Alameddine
Independent Consultant, Professor, Researcher, Advocacy Expert, Strategic Planner, Facilitator,Trainer

Contact information (Private)

+961 3 454748

Contact information (Work)

Partnership Center for Development and Democracy
+961 1 303599
+961 3 454748


  • Doctorate degree, Educational Management, Emphasis on Gender Sensitive Approach,2018, Saint Joseph University (USJ), Lebanon.
  • Master's degree, Educational Management, Emphasis on Instructional Systems Design (ISD), 2003, Lebanese University (LU), Lebanon.
  • Bachelor degree, Education Sciences,1997, Lebanese University (LU), Lebanon.

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • Director, 2007- present, Partnership Center for Development and Democracy (PCDD).
  • Capacity-Development Key Expert ,2020-2022, Particip GmbH, ENI/2018/402-496 EU.
  • Training Program Manager, 2001 - 2007, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI).
  • Middle East Representative, 1997 - 2001, Institute of Development and Adult Education.
  • Literacy Program Trainer/Coordinator, 1997 - 2001, The Ecumenical Popular Education Program (EPEP).


Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 

Developed and edited strategic planning for several NGOs in the MENA .

Authored the following manuals:

  •  Alameddine, L., (2024), Advocacy Facilitator Guide, Lebanon, ABAAD publications.
  •  Alameddine, L., (2023), Advocacy Power for Human Rights Defenders, Lebanon: ABAAD publications.

Co-authored the following:

  • Alameddine, L. & Mansfield, C. (2010). Advocacy manual: ABC’s of advocacy. Copenhagen: Danish Church Aid publications.
  • Alameddine, L. & Mohamadieh, K. (2008). Advocacy toolkit: The social and economic impact of trade liberalization. Beirut: Arab NGO Network for Development.
Major achievements: 
  • Awarded the "Exceptional Women" prize by the International Economic Forum for Women in 2019.
  • Received recognition from the Global Justice Forum in 2008 for work in increasing women's access to relevant health information.
  • Participated in the preparation of the electoral program, moderated numerous dialogue circles, and facilitated the establishment of the parliamentary election platform for the former Prime Minister and Minister of Education in 2009.
  • Facilitated the establishment of numerous non-governmental organizations and created diverse networks with organized structures. Notable examples include the Partnership Forum Network (a network of over 154 research institutions) and the National Development Network, consisting of 89 non-governmental organizations, as well as the Women's Network in Lebanon, comprising 15 Lebanese women's organizations, and the Right to Access Information Network in Lebanon.
  • Commissioned by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Libya, facilitated meetings between the Libyan Constitutional Committee, its staff, and representatives of civil society, including youth, women activists, and academics, to incorporate human rights into the new Libyan constitution.
  • Trained over 500 female candidates, political activists, parliamentarians, and municipal members from Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Libya. The training focused on equipping them with the necessary skills to conduct professional national-level election campaigns.
  • Commissioned by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), played a role in local conflict resolution in Sudan, working through several meetings to alleviate tensions between local police and civil society in Khartoum, resulting in tangible and positive changes within the community.
  • Commissioned by Democracy Reporting International, participated in facilitating partnerships between German and Lebanese municipalities (over 50 mayors) in Berlin, paving the way for several agreements.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Managing Advocacy Campaigns
  • Educational Management
  • Educational Sciences
  • Managing Election Campaigns
  • Developing Instructional Systems
  • Managing Training Systems
  • Strategic Planning
  • Advocacy Campaigns
  • Educational Management
  • Educational Sciences
  • Election Campaigns
  • Instructional Systems
  • Training Systems
  • Strategic Planning
  • Gender
  • English
  • French
  • Arabic