Associated organisations: 
Non-profit Organization
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Reduced Inequality

Personal information

Fifi Kallab
Consultant, Founder, President

Contact information (Private)

961 9 623001 & 961 9 623002
961 3 444401

Contact information (Work)

Byblos Ecologia for Development and Environment
961 9 623110/ 961 9 623002
961 3 250876

Community/Lebanon Impact

  • Scientific studies and lectures on climate change, renewable energy, Forest management, Poverty mechanisms, Transparency and accountability, Solid waste management, Biodiversity, Coastal cities, Women in sustainable development...
  • Lebanon's representative at Arab and international congresses 
  • Founder Member of the UN Small Grants Program in Lebanon
  • Contribution to the preparation of drafts of some environmental laws
  • Founder of associations and coalitions for environment, heritage, citizenship and youth.
  • Capacity building for environmental associations.
  • Probono consultations and studies for a number of municipalities
  • Advocacy in court, national supervisory bodies (state council, central inspection) and international agencies such as the World Bank to protest against environmental violations
  • Active participation in the popular protests of October 2019
  • Member of EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) representative of civil society
  • Geneva International Conference 2021 about Lebanon, lecture on environmental issues 
  • Implementation of solar energy project in Mejdel, Koura for women agriculture cooperative, Municipality and town hall (USAID project)
  • Donation of waste sorting equipment to the Military Academy 2023
  • Campaign against plastic pollution in the sea (Bahr bala Plastic)
  • Advocacy against Bisri dam to the world bank
  • Representative of Lebanese civil society in Casablanca Congress on neighborhood policy of the European community especially after Gaza 2024


Social Media

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  •  Legislative Election Candidate for the parliamentary elections for Koura region, on the list of shamalouna (civil society), 2022.
  • Legislative Election Candidate for the parliamentary elections for Koura region, on the list of civil society, 2018.
  • Consultant, 1996 - present, UN Agencies (The Food and Agriculture Organization, The United Nations Development Program, & The United Nations Environmental Program), in addition to several municipalities and organizations.
  •  Project Manager, 2002 – 2010, Byblos Ecologia for Development and Environement Organization, & Green Square organization.
  • Instructor, 1997 – 1999, Education Science School (Lebanon).
  •  Instructor, 1987 – 1989, The Chamber of Commerce and the Nursing School of Charleville Meziere, France.




Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 

Contributed in the research and writing of several reports such as:

  • Survey of Koura villages socioeconomic situation 2022.
  • Case study of Mejdel 2023.
  • Integrating climate change sustainability into Mejdel municipality 2023.
  • Sustainable plan for women agriculture cooperative of Mejdel 2023.
  • Kallab, F. (2007). Jawaz el-muwatin al-shab [the young citizen passport]. Lebanon: Byblos Ecologia for Development and Environment.
  • Efficient management of wastewater, its treatment and reuse in the mediterranean countries. (2004). A project funded by the European Community under the MEDA Water Programme initiative.
  • Kallab, F. (2003).Andak mishkleh bi’iyeh, kif w ayn el-hal [Do you have an environmental problem, how and where the solution stand]. Lebanon: Byblos Ecologia for Development and Environment.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2001). Petites Villes Côtières Historiques: Développement urbain équilibré entre terre, mer et société [Small historical coastal cities: balanced urban development between land, sea and society].
  • Ministry of Environment. (1999).National GHG mitigation strategy, assessment of Lebanon's vulnerability to climate change, final report. A project funded by the United Nations Development Program.
  • Kallab, F. (1999).La pauvreté dans les régions rurales du Liban[poverty in the Lebanese rural areas]. National consultation under the framework of the ACCnetwork/thematic Group on rural development and food security. Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • Kallab, F. (1999).Causes socio-économiques des incendies de forêt et implication des communautés locales dans la prévention et la lutte contre les incendies de forêt au Liban[socio-economic causes of forest fires in Lebanon and the role of the local community in preventing and fighting against forest fires]. Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • Kallab, F. (1996).Socio-economic factors affecting biodiversity in Lebanon. Biological Diversity of Lebanon (volume 2). United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • Establishment of Educational Center for Marine Biodiversity and Sustainable Fishing in Amchit
  • Lecturer, "Action Plan of the Arab Council for the Right to Assembly and Plan, Where are we Heading? The Freefom to Assembly and Plan: Road Map Towards the Future". The League of Arab States, Cairo, 2010.
  • Lecturer, "Woman and the Environmental Dimension for Sustainable Development", conference on "Arab Woman a Key Partner Towards Sustainable Development", Arab Women's Organization, Tunisia, 2010.
  • Organizer and Lecturer, "Persistent Organic Pollutants", Lebanese American University (Beirut & Byblos campus), 2010.
  • Lecturer, "Promoting Dialogue between the Government and Civil Society on Law Reforms", Beirut, 2008.
  • Trainer, "Efficient Management of Wastewater Treatment and Resuse in the Mediterranean Countries", Lebanese American University and the University of Balamand, 2006.
  • Lecturer, "Quarries and Sand Quarries: A Socio-Economic Need and an Environmental Problem", Order of Engineers, Beirut, 2006.
  • Lecturer, "Solid Waste Management in Lebanon: Regional Solid Waste Management Program in the Mashreq and Maghreb Countries", World Bank, METAP Amman, Jordan, 2004.
  • Organizer, "Accountability and Transparency in Lebanon" conference, Lebanese American University (Byblos campus), 2002.


  •  Postgraduate Diploma (Diplôme D'Etudes Approfondies), Environmental Sociology, 1988, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon.
  • Master's Degree, Sociology, 1986, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
  • Master's Degree, Mathematics, 1975, Université Claude-Bernard, Lyon, France.
  • ‘Gem of loyalty and appreciation’, Arab Women’s Council for social responsibility, 2016
  • Lebanese business women association shield, 2015.
  • Women in front as a leader women, 2013.
  • Acknowledged by the National Commission for Lebanese Women as one of the pioneer Lebanese women involved in addressing environmental issues, 2009.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Environmental Socio-Economy
  • Socio-Economy
  • Social Science
  • Political Activism
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English