Associated organisations: 
Educational Institution
Field(s) of expertise: 
Areas of Impact: 
Quality Education

Personal information

Faten Hussein Hawwa
University Lecturer, Researcher, Legal Consultant

Contact information (Private)

Contact information (Work)

Qatar University
+961 71 576757

Work history

Previous Professions: 
  • 2019-2020: Member of the Review Committee of the Master of Private Law Program - College of Law, Qatar University.
  • 2019-2020: Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Law - Qatar University College of Law.
  • 2019-2020: Member of the Scientific Research and Graduate Studies Committee - Qatar University College of Law.
  • 2019-2020: Member of the Law School Committees to study some of the "economic" bills - Faculty of Law - Qatar University.
  • 2019-2020: Representative of the College of Law and membership of the School Visitation Committee - Qatar University.
  • 2019-2020: Coordinator of the Commercial Paper Course fall 2019 - Department of Private Law - Faculty of Law - Qatar University.
  • 2019-2020: Member of the Judging Committee for Graduation Projects - External Training Program at Qatar University College of Law.
  • 2018- 2020: Professor at Qatar University - College of Law.
  • 2014 -2016: Head of the Commercial Law Department, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Beirut Arab University.
  • 2014 -2016: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Beirut Arab University.
  • 2012- 2016: Executive Member of The Legal Clinics, Faculty of Law and Political Science,Beirut Arab University.
  • 2010-2014: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Beirut Arab University.
  • 2003-2007: Legal Researcher, Horizon Center for Legal Informatics and Training.

Major Achievements

Publications (Books, Articles, Reports, etc.): 
  • Hawwa, F. (2020). Arab Law Quarterly. Qatar and Prospects of Foreign Investment from a Developing Legal Perspective.
  • Hawwa, F. (2020). Legal developments in Lebanese commercial legislation, a reading of the developments in the legal organization of business, bankruptcy and companies in the light of comparative legislation (Qatari law as a model), Journal of Law and Political Sciences No. 26.
  • Hawwa, F. (2020). Legal regulation of consumer protection in Qatari law; A study on the Qatar Consumer Protection Law and related laws and the role of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and other institutional frameworks in enforcement protection, publications of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the State of Qatar, Doha - Qatar, accepted for publication 2020.
  • Hawwa, F. (2019). Commercial Law: Evolution of the concept and the independence of legal rules, "A Comparative Study of Qatari and Lebanese Legislations", Journal of Law and International Business - Hassan I University (Morocco), Issue 23.
  • Hawwa, F. (2019). Extent of enforcement of the rules of international and comparative marine law in the draft Arab Guidance Maritime Law 2016, Journal of Law and Economics, published by the Faculty of Law, University of Cairo, No. 92, Cairo - Egypt.
  • Hawwa, F. (2019). Safeguards for the Protection of Partners and Others in the Joint Venture Company in Qatari Law, Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Science published by the Law Faculty of the University of Kufa - Iraq, research accepted for publication.
  • Hawwa, F. (2019). Legal Aspects of Women's Economic Empowerment: A Study of Qatari Commercial and Related Legislations, Kuwait International Law College Journal, Kuwait, research published in the September issue, 2019.
  • Hawwa, F. (2017) Towards updating the legal rules for bankruptcy in accordance with the standards of international trade law. "A comparative analytical study in Lebanon and Egypt, a close study published a special number of publications of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law - United Nations, ISSN: 02519127 Vienna-2017.
  • Hawwa, F. (2016). The responsibility of the maritime carrier in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea 1978-Hamburg rules “a step by UNCITRAL towards achieving balance of interests and standardization of solutions, an elaborate research and published in a special issue issued by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the Arab University of Beirut on the regional conference on“ unifying the law: The Hague , Institute for the Unification of Private Law, and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ", ISBN: 9786144362846  
  • Hawwa, F. (2014), Consumer protection in some Arab legislation between reality and application "Lebanese law as a model", a research study prepared by commissioned by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States - Arab Council of Ministers of Justice, and circulated to Arab countries, and presented during the regional meeting held in Beirut, 2-4 June / June 2014 under the title "Arab Consumer Protection between Reality and Implementation Mechanisms", which was organized by the Arab Center for Legal and Judicial Research - Arab Council of Ministers of Justice - League of Arab States, in Beirut, Lebanon (joint study).
  • Hawwa, F. (2013, December). Dawr al-Mujtama‘ al-madani fi al-raqaba ala al-‘uqud al-mubrama bayna al-qita‘ain al-‘am wal khas min khilal al-haq fil wusul 'ila al-ma‘alumat[The role of civil society in monitoring contracts between the public and private sectors through the right to access information]. Paper presented at the Egypt Research Conference on Integrity Risks in the Interaction between Public and Private Sectors, Cairo.
  • Hawwa, F. (2013, May). Ta‘ziz al-musharaka al-siyasiya wal ‘amma lil mar'a fi lubnan[Enhancing women's political and public participation in Lebanon]. Paper presented at the Lebanese Parliament on The Lebanese Women's Participation in Political and Public Life in Lebanon. Beirut.
  • Hawwa, F. (2012). The summary in the Consumer Protection Law (a study of the provisions of Lebanese law with reference to the remote contracted consumer protection "electronically"), Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications. A textbook and reference book, approved and planned for students of the Faculty of Law at Beirut Arab University and among the recommended references ISBN: 9786144012895 Beirut 2012.
  • Hawwa, F. (2011). The judge’s role in realizing the international protection of women's rights, research and judgment published within the work of the annual scientific conference of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Beirut Arab University, which was held under the title “The judge’s role in adversarism: unity of purpose and multiplicity of roles February 4, 2010 issued by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Beirut Arab University - Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications – Beirut.
  • Hawwa, F. (2011). Encyclopedia of Arab Legislation on Intellectual Property, "With a General Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights", Four volumes, a joint product, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution (co-author) An encyclopedia of four volumes ISBN: 9789957166793 Amman.
  • Hawwa, F. (2010). Women's Rights between Legislative and Judicial Protection and the View of Islamic Sharia: A Comparative Study, Refereed Research Published in the Law Journal of Legal and Economic Sciences published by the Faculty of Law at the University of Alexandria, Number of December 2010, ISSN: 16871901
  • Hawwa, F. (2010). Drugs and the Internet, a refereed study published in the Arab Journal of Jurisprudence and the Judgment No. 41, Publications of the Council of Arab Justice Ministers - League of Arab States, Cairo, 2010. Refereed research published in the Arab Journal of Jurisprudence and the Judiciary, Legal Administration, League of Arab States, No. 41-Cairo 2010.
  • Hawwa, F. (2010). Websites and Intellectual Property Rights, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman (Jordan), 2010., Book published by two editions, ISBN: 9789957165666 Amman, 1st edition, 2010 - 2nd edition, 2012.
  • Hawwa, F. (2009). Internet Domain Names, Trademarks, and Dispute Resolution (co-author) Refereed research published in the Lebanese Journal of Arab and International Arbitration - No. 51, Beirut 2009.
  • Hawwa, F. (2008). International bodies to ensure that Arab and foreign investments, "a study in the Arab and international legal system to ensure that investment bodies" (co-author), search arbitrator published in the Arab Journal of the jurisprudence of the judiciary, the Legal Department, League of Arab States, No. 37, Cairo 2008.
Major achievements: 


  • A discussion seminar organized by the Qatar International Center for Conciliation and Arbitration in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at Qatar University on: the patient and medical staff between the hammer of civil and criminal responsibility and the anvil of corona


  • A panel discussion on the financial and legal implications of the Corona pandemic and precautionary measures (remote) organized by the College of Administration and Economics, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at Qatar University


  • A seminar organized by the College of Administration and Economics at Qatar University in cooperation with the College of Law on the disruption of global and local trade due to the Corona pandemic


  • A seminar organized by the Faculty of Administration and Economics in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at Qatar University, a remote panel discussion entitled: "The economic, financial and legal implications of the Corona pandemic: short and long-term perspectives."


  • Qatar University seminar on the protection of intellectual property rights


  • A research symposium organized by the Faculty of Law at Qatar University on: the legal angles of the Corona virus.


  • A training workshop organized by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning on effectively managing student groups in Blackboard (group, wiki, and conditional availability)


  • Law School Seminar on "National Title Law"

27-29 / 1/2020

  • Sessions of the Qatar University Law College conference entitled "Law and Information"


  • A training course organized by the Office of Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Qatar University entitled:
  • WileyPLUS: Adaptive Learning Solutions for the Higher Education


  • Seminar on "Academic Integrity: Whose Responsibility?" Within the works of the Eleventh Excellence Forum on Academic Integrity organized by the Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Qatar University


  • A panel discussion on "Academic Integrity is a Top Value in Academic Institutions?" Within the works of the eleventh Excellence Forum on Academic Integrity organized by the Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Qatar University


  • Training workshop on "Training in dealing with IThenticate to detect plagiarism and quotation ratios" within the work of the Eleventh Excellence Forum on Academic Integrity organized by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Qatar University
Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 
  • Speaker, "Women's Rights in the Draft of the Egyptian Constitution, 2013", a scientific workshop organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the Beirut Arab University, Beirut, November 2013.
  • Speaker, "Women's Rights in the Lebanese Nationality Law", presented during a joint event between the Beirut Arab University and the Notre Dame University on the Protection Project of the Johns Hopkins University-USA, Beirut, May 2013.
  • Keynote Speaker on "Drugs and the Internet: A tool for Crime and a Tool to Fight against Crime" during the first regional seminar on "Drug Control and Exchange of Information" held under the patronage of his Royal Highness Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz, Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, April 2010.
  • Keynote speaker as a regional expert on "Intellectual property crimes on the internet as one of the crimes of Informatics", presented during the scientific forum on "computer-related crimes", organized by the Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, Riyadh, October 2009.


  • Nominated for the membership of the scientific committee for her regional and international expertise during the licensing forum held in Bahrain organized by the Licensing Executives Society International, November 2010.
  • Received a shield of appreciation for her regional study on drugs from the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the legal conference for anti-drugs organized by Naif Arab University for Security Sciences in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2010.

Competences & Skills

Field(s) of Expertise: 
  • Commercial Law and Intellectual Property Law
  • Human and Women's Rights
  • Consumer Protection
  • Legal Research and Law Education
  • Legislation Development
  • Arabic
  • English