Bahia Hariri
Personal information
Bahia Hariri
Member of Parliament, Former Minister, President, Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development
Contact information (Work)
+9611972221 & +9617727727
Social Media
Work history
Previous Professions:
- Member of Parliament, 1992 - present, Lebanese Parliament.
- Head of the Committee for Education, 1992 - present, Lebanese Parliament.
- President, 1979 - present, Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development.
- President, 1997 - present, National Committee for Public Schools.
- President, 1994 - present, Saida Patrimoine et Environnement.
- Minister of Education & Higher Education, 2008 - 2009, Lebanese Government.
Major Achievements
Major achievements:
- Initiated the establishment of an "Observatory for Arab Women"; a joint initiative between the Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development, UN ESCWA and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), aiming to empower the Arab Woman to assume a more proactive role in the regional developmental process and to monitor the status of Arab women and identify gaps in their rights, 2010.
- Established "The National Values Fund" for the "Greater Lebanon Centenary", aiming to fund studies and strategies needed for the "Vision of Lebanon 2020 Towards the Modern Civil State", 2013.
- Initiated "Mrs. Khadija Bint Khwaylid's Award for Arab Business Women”, launched at the Jeddah Economic Forum 2003, to support the Arab women and promote their efforts and initiatives at the local and international levels.
- Promoted the status of women in Arab society and called for the adoption of laws that protect women and contribute to their emancipation.
- Beirut Appeal: Declared the 8th of March 2002 as a day of solidarity with women and Palestinian Intifada & requested Arab leaders to support the participation of Parliamentarian Women in the following Arab Summit, March 2002.
- Kuwait Appeal: Declared the first of February as The Arab Woman Day, October 1999.
- Tunisia Appeal: Requested the establishment of the Arab Women Congress, November 1999.
- Honorary Doctor of Laws, honoris causa from Dundee University, UK, 2010.
- Honorary Doctorate from the American University of Science & Technology (AUST), 2010.
- 1000 Women for Peace Prize (Nobel Peace Prize 2005) in recognition of all her contributions and services, 2005.
- Legion d’honneur, awarded by the French President Jacques Chirac, 2003.
- The “Agha Khan” Award, in recognition of her efforts in the reconstruction of The Big Omari Mosque, 1989.
- Lebanese Cedar Award, Lieutenant rank, in recognition of her services in Social and Cultural fields, 1989.
- The “Golden Apple” Award from the National Union of the Writers and the Tourist journalists.
Competences & Skills
Field(s) of Expertise:
- Sustainable Human Development
- Legislation
- Education
- Empowerment of Women
- Civil Society Mobilization
- Arabic
- English
- French